[liberationtech] Mapillary - crowd sourced street view for the long tail

Peter Neubauer peter at mapillary.com
Sun Mar 9 09:41:01 PDT 2014

Hi all,
following this article in MIT Technology Review
and this discussion on Twitter
(https://twitter.com/Liberationtech/status/442436326047367168) I think
you might appreciate testing out Mapillary and contributing. Here are
some of the areas we want to cover over the next few years:

- trails, tracks, national parks, nature reserves, camping sites and
other areas where cars and professional equipment is not available,
not feasible or not able to get there in a timely fashion
- monitoring and assessment/follow-up of projects, construction sites
and other areas over time
- mapping of areas where no other visual information is available
(slums, rural areas, catastrophic sites)
- monitoring of crops, forrests etc over time
- private mode for non-pixelated and private pictures of your
back-yard, family and car :)

Feel free to join in, this took about 3h for two people walking with
smartphones: http://www.mapillary.com/map/im/16/33.9834918917949/-118.46370935440063

/peter (@peterneubauer)

Disclaimer: I am part of the Mapillary team.

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