[liberationtech] Venezuelan Open Source Software Communities Condemn Media Manipulation

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Sat Mar 8 07:10:18 PST 2014

Thank you for the link.

The interesting part of the document for me is not the "usual"
condemnation of media manipulation, but the clear argument *for*
censorship. This makes it an important read, (apparently/hopefully)
coming from open source communities "on the ground".

"As Venezuelans, we are naturally against censorship of social
networking applications as a matter of principle. However, we believe
that the right to live trumps the right to free information."
"We are defenders of freedom of expression and free information, but we
insist: above that right is the right to live. If the company Zello, or
any other national or foreign company, will not help to preserve this
right, we will support the Venezuelan government actions to prevent that
company from operating in Venezuela."

On 03/04/2014 01:11 AM, Damian Fossi wrote:
> Original text in spanish: http://www.aporrea.org/tecno/n246101.html
> Text in english: http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/10437
> Best Regards,

Moritz Bartl

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