[liberationtech] Fwd: [nncoalition] Net Neutrality @ RightsCon

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 4 10:16:29 PST 2014

From:  Luca Belli <LB at lucabelli.net>

The RightsCon Session on 'Network Neutrality: How to
Identify Discriminations and Advance Solutions will take
place in a few hours (from 4 to 5 PM, San Francisco Time).
Live stream will be available here: http://new.livestream.com/pemo/rightscon2

All the best,

Dynamic Coalition meeting at RightsCon Silicon Valley

Network Neutrality:
How to Identify Discriminations and Advance Solutions

- Mr Luca Belli, CERSA and founder of the Dynamic Coalition on Network
- Ms Primavera De Filippi, CERSA, Berkman Center and co-founder of the DC NN;

- Ms Raegan MacDonald, ACCESS;
- Ms Elvana Thaçi, Council of Europe;
- Mr Joe McNamee, EDRi;
- Mr Alejandro Pisanty, National Autonomous University of Mexico and
ISOC Mexico;
- Ms Carolina Rossini, New America Foundation;
- Mr Francisco Vera Hott, Derechos Digitales;
- Ms Renata Avila, World Wide Web Foundation.
- Ms Yana Welinder,Wikimedia Foundation;

This session will take the form of a "fishbowl": panellists will first
engage in a discussion around the various facets of the net neutrality
debate; after which, the attendees will be invited to join the panel
by rotating in and out of the fishbowl, thus actively contributing to
shaping the dynamics of the second part of the session.

Session description
This session will analyse the instrumental role played by the network
neutrality (NN) principle to guarantee the full enjoyment of human
rights and foster a competitive market, and will focus on concrete
solutions aimed at implementing this principle.
The panellists will underline the risks of discriminatory
Internet-traffic management (ITM) practices and will suggest technical
and policy "remedies" that may be used to mitigate, avoid or prevent
traffic discrimination. Subsequently, the panel will analyse a
selection of national approaches aimed at safeguarding NN. On the one
hand, private sector actors will be asked to identify the approaches
that provide the most "innovation-friendly" environment. On the other
hand, civil society actors will be asked to scrutinise the current
approaches, identifying potential loopholes and pitfalls that may
jeopardise Internet-users' full enjoyment of fundamental rights and
compromise the free flow of information.
Lastly, the organisers will discuss the content and role of the model
framework on network neutrality, which has been initiated by the
Council of Europe (CoE), elaborated by the Dynamic Coalition on
Network Neutrality and delivered back to the CoE as a working base to
elaborate a "Recommendation on Network Neutrality"

Luca Belli
PhD Candidate in Public Law
CERSA, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2
Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality

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