[liberationtech] Inventing a New Internet: Learning from Icarus * 4:15PM, Wed March 5, 2014 in Gates B03

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 4 09:42:06 PST 2014

*Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium*
 4:15PM, Wednesday, March 5, 2014 
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3

 Inventing a New Internet: Learning from Icarus 
 Dewayne Hendricks
Tetherless Access *About the talk:* 

>From a future historical perspective, are we descendants of Icarus? Is our 
Internet like Icarus' wings? Are our protocols, ciphers and codes, 
brilliant capabilities built on immature engineering, which like Icarus' 
wax and feathers, are capable of taking us to great heights, but 
systematically flawed? For a brief historical moment, humanity has flown 
high like Icarus, on a vulnerable first generation Internet platform. Which 
as been used for securing and using distributed ideas, arts, media science, 
commerce, and machines. Promising brilliant futures with the arrival of 
networked things, autonomous personalized services and immersive media. 
But, now our first generation Internet , built on a fragile global network 
of vulnerable codes and protocols, is falling apart, like Icarus' wings, 
through a triple shock from: 

   - Massive dotcom data stalker economy built on mining of terabytes 
   personal data. 
   - Ubiquitous criminal penetration of financial and identity networks, on 
   our devices, in the cloud. 
   - Pervasive state intruders at all levels and every encrypted hardware 
   and software node. 

Humans eventually conquered the barriers to flight and learned to build 
durable and resilient aircraft. Similarly, humans must learn to build a 
more reliable, private and secure Internet for communications, innovation 
and commerce. We will share our thoughts on how we might go about the 
design of a more durable and resilient Internet: 
   - How prepared is the Internet for future human benefit? 
   - What are the attributes of a future more durable internet? 
   - What are the existing assets that could be harnessed? 
   - What needs to be developed? 


There is no downloadable version of the slides for this talk available at 
this time. 

*About the speaker:*

Dewayne Hendricks is currently CEO, of the Tetherless Access, Inc., based 
in Fremont, California, USA. Tetherless Access offers a comprehensive range 
of products and services, including research and product development, for 
wireless communications via the Internet. He is also an past member of the 
Federal Communications Commission's Technological Advisory Council 
(FCC/TAC), serving for eight years. In 2002, 'Wired Magazine' did a profile 
on him, titled 'Broadband Cowboy'. 

Prior to forming Tetherless Access, he was the General Manager of the 
Wireless Business Unit for Com21, Inc. He joined Com21 following an 
opportunity to participate as the Co-Principal Investigator in the National 
Science Foundation's Wireless Field Tests for Education project. The 
project sucessfully connected remote educational institutions to the 
Internet. The test sites ranged from rural primary schools in Colorado, USA 
to a University in Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia. 

Dewayne was the CEO and co-founder of Tetherless Access Ltd., in 1990. 
Tetherless Access was one of the first companies to develop and deploy Part 
15 unlicensed wireless metropolitan area data networks using the TCP/IP 
protocols. He has participated in the installation of these networks in 
other parts of the world including: Kenya, Tonga, Mexico, Canada and 

Back in 1986, he ported the popular KA9Q Internet Protocol package to the 
Macintosh, allowing the Macintosh platform to be used in packet radio 
networks. Today, thousands of amateur radio operators worldwide use the 
NET/Mac system he developed to participate in the global packet radio 
Internet. This system continues to be developed and deployed by the amateur 
radio service. 

He has been involved with radio since receiving his amateur radio 
operator's license as a teen. He currently holds official positions in 
several national non-profit amateur radio organizations and is a co-founder 
and past Director of the Wireless Communications Alliance, an industry 
group representing manufacturers in the unlicensed radio industry. 

*Contact information:*

Dewayne Hendricks
Tetherless Access


See the Colloquium website, http://ee380.stanford.edu, for scheduled 
speakers, FAQ, and additional information. Stanford and SCPD students can 
enroll in EE380 for one unit of credit. Anyone is welcome to attend; talks 
are webcast live and archived for on-demand viewing over the web.
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