[liberationtech] RightsCon 2014 Ready to Launch!

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Mar 2 13:49:36 PST 2014

From: Access Now <access at accessnow.org>

After months of planning and preparing, we're ready to kick off *RightsCon
Silicon Valley 2014
the premier gathering of tech policy leaders, entrepreneurs, and digital
rights defenders from around the world. I'm in awe of the amazing lineup of
speakers and experts, and we want to make sure you have access to them too!

Starting tomorrow, *RightsCon* participants will spend three days exploring
the progress and challenges at the intersection of human rights and new
technologies. The discussions will be all about building an internet that
puts users at the center, and remains open and free for future generations
-- and that's why we're committed to making sure you can take part in
*RightsCon*, either in person or online.

*Join us at RightsCon from anywhere: Watch our

*RightsCon is dedicated to future-proofing human rights.* We're going to be
tackling the most difficult issues of the day, and seeking a path forward.
If you can, we want you to join us in person in San Francisco. But if you
can't make it in person, it doesn't mean you can't still be a part of

Things kick off tomorrow (Monday) at 1pm PST. Here are some of the ways you
can participate at RightsCon without getting out of your pajamas:

   - *Watch the stream* online on
   or on Google+<https://www.accessnow.org/page/m/3717cf21/13a55abf/70a9a0b6/1de12f5f/3666225925/VEsO/>
   - *Follow the conversation *with our live blogs and social media updates
   - *Join in* via Twitter
   or on Google+ to comment and ask questions.

*Check out what's happening: Watch the livestream!

*RightsCon* is the only conference dedicated to helping companies,
governments, and civil society address the challenges -- and opportunities
-- of tech and human rights. And it wouldn't be possible without the
support of Access community members like you.

Thank you,

Brett Solomon
Executive Director, Access
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