[liberationtech] NYC Event: Muslim & Surveillance in NYC

Patrick apexcp at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 10:10:17 PDT 2014

Is there an email list or some kind of alert that I could sign up for
regarding the NYC 3rd mondays events? Both this and last months events seem
really interesting, I want to be able to keep up to date.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Sandra ordonez <sandratordonez at gmail.com>

> Hey guys,
> This coming Monday (June 16) we are hosting Muslims & Surveillance in NYC:
> The Next Steps. It is co-hosted by Techno-Activism 3rd Monday & the Muslim
> Consultative Network.
> Its a great opportunity for people in our space to gain a better
> understanding of the type of surveillance experienced by this
> community....as well as hopefully gain some peeps that can help with
> localization/translation.
> One of the four community leaders will also discuss the challenges that
> members of historically marginalized communities face when learning digital
> security and privacy protection.
> Can you guys pass this on to any people in NYC that you think should be
> part of this convo. would be so appreciative.
> http://www.eventbrite.com/e/muslims-surveillance-in-nyc-the-next-steps-tickets-11830741065
> or wiki:
> https://wiki.openitp.org/events:techno-activism_3rd_mondays:new_york
> Thanks in advance for any help!!!
> --
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