[liberationtech] "Preventing Cable Company F#$kery" a/k/a Net Neutrality

Renee Lloyd reneelloyd at me.com
Tue Jun 10 12:32:10 PDT 2014

As many of you know, in May,  the FCC released its proposal for new network neutrality rules.   Put simply, the FCC's proposal included rules that would permit Internet providers to prioritize certain websites, e.g., make deals with some services for a faster and better path to subscribers.  Of course, the FCC claims it is not endorsing such deals, but in reality these deals are inevitable.    EFF's April Glaser  posted a terrific piece on the dangers of a an internet without Net Neutrality.  John Oliver, recently performed this absolutely brilliant rant on the topic.   I urge you to watch it and promise that it will crack you up and I hope inspire you to take action and send comments to the FCC.   "Upworthy" (the link for the video) includes instructions and the link to the FCC comment site.   That said, if you do not want to draft your own comments, EFF has a really helpful FCC letter generator  at "dearfcc" that you can find here.   

 Please pass this along to friends, family, colleagues, anyone who will listen, learn, speak out and act.   

Renee Eaton Lloyd
e: reneelloyd at me.com
m: 774-571-0463
sk: reneelloyd
t: rlloyd

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