[liberationtech] sharing 8 months of my own research into FLOK Ecuador

Gordon Cook cook at cookreport.com
Tue Jun 10 10:52:37 PDT 2014

this is a reply to https://mailman.stanford.edu/pipermail/liberationtech/2014-June/013800.html
Bernardo Gutiérrez bernardobrasil at gmail.com 
Sun Jun 8 17:50:59 PDT 2014  Ecuador towards the pos-capitalism: copyleft	politics

I have known Michel Bauwens since 2006 and contributed quite a lot to the P2P wiki including two cook reports on him in 2010.  Easily findable in google.  When FLOK was announced last september I was very excited and determined to do everything i could to help.  For the next roughly 8 months i did so -- contributing 300 to 400 hours of my time.

I wound up with a very different point of view than Bernardo.
you may find the executive summary of my july august issue here


and translated into spanish here


The entire pdf some 108 pages is here


the exec summary on my blog is here

summary AND table of contents four full issue is here


Some of you have i man sure heard of me for those who have not The COOK Report on Internet Protocol has been my sole source of income since 1992 almost 23 years.
The COOK Report on Internet Protocol, (PSTN) 609 882-2572 
Back Issues: http://www.cookreport.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=37&Itemid=61  
 Cook's Collaborative Edge Blog 
  Subscription info: http://www.cookreport.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=65

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