[liberationtech] Ecuador towards the pos-capitalism: copyleft politics

Louis Suárez-Potts luispo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 04:00:07 PDT 2014


This and other news from Flok Society is inspiring. But I find it useful to force a critical perspective. Thus
	* What actual policies is the national government of Ecuador taking that adopt Free/Libre Open Knowledge recommendations arising from this (and other, some continuing) process?

	* Nations are complicated, and they do not really speak with one voice expressing one single interest. Ecuador has not shown itself to be exempt from this. Even as it allows for community enterprise, it also works to exploit its oil wealth. This raises the question: How are these economic and social forces to be reconciled? Is there to be more transparency and accountability for the oil industry's actions in the country? (Accountability could mean here something more than just announcing it. It could mean being subject to the popular will, and especially the will of those most affected. That will could be made manifest via modern means.)


On 09 Jun 2014, at 01:50, Bernardo Gutiérrez <bernardobrasil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello you all. 
> Here you have the final press release of Quito Buen Conocer Summit. It is been a fantastic experience, an amazing prototype for creating public policy from open and copyleft paradigms. I have been inside from December. The Summit was more a hackmeeting than an event, mixing experts and local leaders, academic and amateurs. Langdon Winner, for example, said in his twitter account, that it was the best summit he had ever been. This project could serve as method for changing the economic matrix of capitalism. Ecuador could be the first postcapitalist country in the world
> We have the press release also in Spanish. 
> http://pt.slideshare.net/floksociety/press-release-cumbre
> Video FLOK Doctrine> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgTL1p1JEsk
> Hashtag: #buenconocer
> Best
> Bernardo
> -- 
> www.futuramedia.net 
> www.codigo-abierto.cc
> @bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
> São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
> -- 
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