[liberationtech] when you are using Tor, Twitter will blocked your acc

Griffin Boyce griffin at cryptolab.net
Mon Jun 9 02:02:34 PDT 2014

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> I agree though I am happy that they don't completely lock out the
> account to the point of it being impossible to login at all.

   True.  That would make it much worse for users in censored countries, 
since they wouldn't be able to (for example) lock their account to hide 
their connections and past tweets.

> I've also heard that the previous Twitter security team folks on this
> list have all probably cashed out and thus retired from Twitter.

   Doubtful.  But even if that is the case, surely they have some 
connection to the current team and would reach out to them about this 
issue.  (Lurkers, this is your time to shine! :D )

   I'd recommend reaching out formally (perhaps to privacy@ ?) and 
proposing a whitelist or other special consideration for Tor users.  
You've got the name recognition to pull it off and you actually work for 
Tor. =)

Collin Anderson wrote:
> I have not run into the problem yet, and all of my traffic exits
> through Tor, so I wonder if there are other variables at play if it is
> heuristics, such as changing User-Agents in addition to countries.
> Alternatively, perhaps some exits are (unknowingly) flagged by Twitter
> as being connected with past malicious activities.

   This makes a lot of sense.  Perhaps someone shoved a lot of bot 
traffic through one exit?

   And, is this across multiple exits?  I'm hearing a lot of issues 
around this, but is this one large/fast exit that has issues or are 
there multiple exits being affected?  Wondering if rotating IP/s would 
temporarily resolve the issue.


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