[liberationtech] when you are using Tor, Twitter will blocked your acc

Nariman Gharib nariman.gh at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 13:44:58 PDT 2014

You can see Iranian people are complaining about it on Twitter :)

also because of 'Sanction' Twitter hasn't Iran on it's country lists. so
people can't enable 2FA.

Thanks alot

On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 9:42 PM, Nathan of Guardian <
nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:

> On 06/07/2014 05:39 AM, Nariman Gharib wrote:
> >
> > Many Tor users inside Iran reported that while they are using
> > Tor/Orbot for login into Twitter, Twitter blocked their accounts and
> > forced them to change their password. it happened everyday and every
> > time you are login to your account.
> >
> > what solution do you have for solve this problem?
> There must be another factor than just using Tor. I (as the primary
> developer of Orbot), run my Twitter app through Orbot 100% of the time,
> and have never had a password change request.
> Hopefully, we can get Twitter to weigh in, but it would be good to know
> if this is happening due to geographic region or some sort of
> false-positive botnet profiling.
> In the worst case scenario, maybe their accounts are being accessed to
> do Exit Node man-in-the-middle somehow, and Twitter is actually being
> helpful. I have seen no evidence of that though.
> Best,
>   Nathan
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