[liberationtech] when you are using Tor, Twitter will blocked your acc

Travis Biehn tbiehn at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 13:24:00 PDT 2014

Does enabling 2FA help?

Twitter likely considers some addresses to be 'nasty.' Likely a combo of
automated heuristics based blacklisting, bad actor cidr and ip lists and
manual additions.

Options :
Get twitter to add an exception by way of user accessible setting.

Chain TOR to an unblacklisted Socks proxy.

Users may elect to rent a VPS to use as a trusted environment. Providers
which accept Bitcoin are numerous, as are options for virtual and prepaid
credit cards.

Free shell accounts may also serve as good routers.

Anonymity networks are naturally attractive to people abusing networks and
entities have different maturity when it comes to balancing end user safety
by taking into account activists who want to hide from overlords, other
privacy oriented entities and the imperative to hinder the efforts of
privacy oriented bad actors.
On Jun 7, 2014 5:39 AM, "Nariman Gharib" <nariman.gh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Libtech,
> Many Tor users inside Iran reported that while they are using Tor/Orbot
> for login into Twitter, Twitter blocked their accounts and forced them to
> change their password. it happened everyday and every time you are login to
> your account.
> what solution do you have for solve this problem?
> Thanks
> Nariman
> @Listentous
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