[liberationtech] [GNU/consensus] Why support "Reset the Net" ? I don't get it

coderman coderman at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 04:06:25 PDT 2014

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 3:28 AM, carlo von lynX
<lynX at time.to.get.psyced.org> wrote:
> Heya.. I saw ... https://www.resetthenet.org
> Yet the things the page recommends are band-aids.

in terms of first steps, the https push is the most approachable.
passive, blanket surveillance resistance maybe a band-aid, yet still

as a symbol of the value of privacy online resetthenet is more effective.

(only other practical impact i have observed is users updating their
browsers. having tried some https sites with good cipher suite hygiene
and getting errors, they take the hint and grab the latest copies of
Firefox or Chrome...)

> If it was that simple we could have done such a
> campaign the same day the revelations came out.

how long did youbroketheinternet.org take? ;)

> So I don't see the point in a superficial campaign that
> doesn't actually fix anything about the status quo, instead
> it is likely to foster further damage by not offering long-term
> solutions.

i disagree that it is entirely superficial.

i also think all of the technologies you listed above are insufficient
for a truly decentralized, robust, privacy enhancing infrastructure.

and finally, i think we should all be working on these types of
efforts, and others, per our interests even if they have flaws.
(improvements that are not long-term solutions are not causing

learning from our fails faster is a question for another thread... *grin*

best regards,

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