[liberationtech] Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement | Office Of Research Support

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Jun 4 15:59:38 PDT 2014

The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces the
availability of funding for programs that support Internet freedom.
DRL’s goal is to promote fundamental freedoms, human rights, and the
free flow of information online through integrated support for
anti-censorship and secure communications technology, advocacy,
digital safety, and research. DRL invites organizations interested in
potential funding to submit statements of interest (SOI) outlining
program concepts that reflect this goal.

An organization may submit no more than two (2) SOIs per submission
deadline of no more than three (3) pages each. SOIs that do not meet
the requirements of the announcement may not be considered.

Submission deadlines: SOI submissions will be reviewed on at least a
semi-annual basis according to the following deadlines:

Duke Internal Deadline:  June 9, 2014
Sponsor Application Deadline:  July 1, 2014
December 5, 2014

SOIs must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm (17:00) GMT-5 on the above dates.

The official announcement and description of this award may be found
on the funding agency's website:

Statements of interest must address one or more of the following program themes:

1) Technology Expanding Open and Uncensored Access to Information and
Communications: Development and support of web and mobile
anti-censorship technologies that expand open access to information
and communications.
2) Secure Communication Technology: Development and support of web and
mobile technologies that enhance the privacy and security of digital
3) Digital Safety: Delivery of support, training and information that
contributes to greater digital safety for users in Internet repressive
societies and/or at-risk populations.
4) Policy and Advocacy: National, regional, and/or international
policy and advocacy efforts that aim to mitigate negative trends
toward Internet repression and to promote Internet freedom at a
structural level.
5) Research and Evaluation: Efforts should emphasize applied research
that can inform and benefit Internet freedom efforts globally.
Research should address technological and political developments
affecting Internet freedom.
Eligibility: Faculty.

Award Amount: $2,500,000
Estimated Floor of Individual Award Amounts: $500,000
Estimated Ceiling of Individual Award Amounts: $2,500,000

We anticipate that approximately $18 million in Internet freedom funds
will be available for use in this solicitation. Additional country and
regional resources may be available to support Internet freedom
efforts. DRL reserves the right to award less or more than the funds
described, including estimated individual award floor and ceiling
amounts, under such circumstances as it may deem to be in the best
interest of the U.S. government. In practice, awards in excess of
$1,500,000 are uncommon. SOIs that request more than the award ceiling
or less than the award floor may be deemed technically ineligible.

Internal Nomination Process: Owing to the sponsor's restriction on the
number of applications that may be submitted from Duke, anyone wishing
to pursue nomination should submit the following materials as one PDF
via the upload feature on the ORS website.

*  Completed SOI (maximum 3 pages as described in the RFP)

*  CV ( NIH or NSF Biosketch is acceptable)

*  Letter of support from Dean or Chair

SOIs must include:

1) Brief description of the organization, including the organization’s
mission statement and previous work in the area of Internet freedom,
particularly in acutely hostile Internet environments. Due to page
limitations, a general organizational history is not recommended.
Information should clearly demonstrate an institution’s record and
capacity and may include previous grant management experience, whether
funded through private or United States Government resources.

2) Description of how the project is innovative, sustainable,
generates positive, lasting impact, and does not duplicatecurrent
efforts. See “Additional Information” below.

3) Project description, including estimated project duration and
objectives. Outputs and outcomes should also be provided. Outputs and
outcomes should clearly link to project objectives and include target
benchmarks. Please include the program area(s) and element(s) to be
addressed. For more information on program design, please see DRL’s
Monitoring and Evaluation Primer

4) Brief statement on the methodology to be used in the project evaluation.

5) An estimated total budget figure. The budget should include
intended: Primarily Headquarters-Based Costs, Primarily Field-Based
Costs, Indirect Costs, and Cost-Share. For more information on DRL
budget standards, please see DRL’s Proposal Submission Instructions
“Budget Guidelines” section
(http://www.state.gov/j/drl/p/nov_2012/index.htm). Please note that
while a detailed budget is not requested at this time, organizations
invited to submit full proposals must not exceed the estimated SOI
budget figure unless advised otherwise.

To Submit Internal Materials: The above materials should be compiled
(in the order listed above) into one PDF file. Go to Institutionally
Limited Nominations/Current Open Competitions:
https://ors.duke.edu/orsmanual/current-competitions, select the
appropriate competition and click the Applicant button. Follow the
instructions to create a profile; return to the funding opportunity;
click the Applicant Button on the Opportunities page and then upload
your file. Please remember to click Submit after you upload.


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