[liberationtech] New film about Ai Weiwei, censored Chinese dissident artist

Isaac Mao isaac.mao at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 17:26:55 PDT 2014

He deserves this salute. The most recent debate in Beijing is between him
and a new exhibition which removed his name from brochure. While many of
his counterparts kept silents, some few artists shouldered with  him,

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:

> From: Marija Silk <msilk at internationalfilmcircuit.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','msilk at internationalfilmcircuit.com');>>
> The run of AI WEIWEI THE FAKE CASE, the film about China’s censorship, has
> been extended in SF – we’re playing at Roxie Theatre from today until
> Thursday 6/5!
> Get your tix: http://ow.ly/xrMib
> Named Best Documentary of 2014 by the Danish Film Critics’ Association
> After 81 days of solitary detention world famous Chinese artist Ai Weiwei
> is put under house arrest. He suffers from sleeping disorder and memory
> loss, 18 cameras are monitoring his studio and home, police agents follow
> his every move, and heavy restrictions from the Kafkaesque Chinese
> authorities weigh him down.   Picking up where Alison Klayman’s Ai Weiwei:
> Never Sorry left off, AI WEIWEI THE FAKE CASE is more explicitly political,
> reflecting Ai’s battle against the gigantic lawsuit thrust upon him by the
> Chinese government in an effort to silence him.  Ai Weiwei is shaken, but
> during his year on probation he steadily finds new ways to provoke and
> challenge the mighty powers of the Chinese authorities in his fight for
> human rights and free expression.  The film also features the creation of
> S.A.C.R.E.D., a new work depicting Ai’s time in prison, which premiered
> during the Venice Biennale and is now on view at the Brooklyn Museum.
> Thank you so much & have a great weekend!
> Best regards,
> Marija Silk
> Distribution and Marketing Manager
> International Film Circuit
> 244 Fifth Ave, 11th Floor
> New York, NY 10001
> 212-777-5690
> msilk at internationalfilmcircuit.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','msilk at internationalfilmcircuit.com');>

Isaac Mao
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sharism, http://sharism.org
Principal Scientist, Sharism Lab, http://sharismlab.com
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University,
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