[liberationtech] Internet Freedom Funding Opportunity- Deadlines 7/1 and 12/5 2014

Bramon, Betsy BramonB at state.gov
Tue Jun 3 16:21:53 PDT 2014


The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) at the U.S. Department of State has just posted our annual open call for statements of interest (SOI) on global Internet freedom programming.  Please see the full solicitation for details on how to apply: http://www.state.gov/j/drl/p/227048.htm .

The last couple of years, in an effort to make our funding more accessible to new groups and responsive to changing needs on the ground, we have experimented with different solicitation structures.  This year, we have one solicitation for ALL program themes, which include digital safety, advocacy, research, and technology development.

In addition, there are two deadlines to submit Statement of Interests (SOI).  All SOIs must be received by July 1, 2014 and/or December 5, 2014.

Please feel welcome to reach out to the DRL IF team with any procedural questions you may have regarding the solicitation, though to preserve the competitive integrity of the process, please keep in mind that we won't be able to discuss the merits or substance of any prospective proposals/SOIs.

**Please note that due to the nature of working on human rights in countries that do not value fundamental freedoms and civil rights, part of our granting philosophy is that we consider our grants to be sensitive. We understand that in the human rights field (and Internet freedom in particular), direct association with the USG could put our implementing partners in great danger. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you very much, and we look forward to your submissions!


Internet Freedom Programs at State/DRL {Steve Schultze, Laura Mottaz, Betsy Bramon}

Betsy Bramon
bramonb at state.gov<mailto:bramonb at state.gov>
Office of Global Programs (GP)
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL)
U.S. Department of State | Washington, D.C.
Desk: 202-632-2057 |Mobile: 202-341-6134

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