[liberationtech] All Google products are now blocked in China

Tom Ritter tom at ritter.vg
Sun Jun 1 16:02:41 PDT 2014

I know GoAgent used to be a very popular proxy in China, and I believe
it tunneled through Google Apps... Is it still popular (prior to this
block I suppose) and does this mean it's now inaccessible?


On 1 June 2014 18:58, Matthew Finkel <matthew.finkel at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 06:07:02AM +0800, Percy Alpha wrote:
>> *Google disrupted prior to Tiananmen Anniversary; Mirror sites enable
>> uncensored access to information <https://en.greatfire.org/node/1030705>*
>> Google started to encrypt search by default in China in March and currently
>> nearly all users will be redirected to the encrypted version automatically.
>> But prior to the anniversary of Tiananmen incident, GFW(Great Firewall of
>> China) began to severely disrupt Google search
>> <https://en.greatfire.org/https/www.google.com.hk> by disrupting TCP
>> connections to Google IPs.  The block is indiscriminate as all Google
>> services in all countries, encrypted or not, are now blocked in China. This
>> blockage includes Google search, images, translate, Gmail and almost all
>> other products. In addition, the block covers  Google Hong Kong
>> <https://en.greatfire.org/https/www.google.com.hk> (China???s version of
>> Google), Google.com <https://en.greatfire.org/www.google.com> and all other
>> country specific versions.
> Hi Percy,
> Thanks for the update! Can you say how the block is implemented? It's
> mentioned that TCP connections to Google IP addresses are disrupted,
> which sounds like IP address blacklisting or DPI, but the blog post
> also mentions:
> "
>     They can access Google directly using or
>     add the following content to hosts file.
> www.google.com.hk
> www.google.com.hk
> "
> and that makes the block sound like DNS cache poisoning. Can you
> describe what you see when you make a request?
> Thanks again,
> Matt
> --
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