[liberationtech] All Google products are now blocked in China

Percy Alpha percyalpha at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 15:07:02 PDT 2014

*Google disrupted prior to Tiananmen Anniversary; Mirror sites enable
uncensored access to information <https://en.greatfire.org/node/1030705>*

Google started to encrypt search by default in China in March and currently
nearly all users will be redirected to the encrypted version automatically.
But prior to the anniversary of Tiananmen incident, GFW(Great Firewall of
China) began to severely disrupt Google search
<https://en.greatfire.org/https/www.google.com.hk> by disrupting TCP
connections to Google IPs.  The block is indiscriminate as all Google
services in all countries, encrypted or not, are now blocked in China. This
blockage includes Google search, images, translate, Gmail and almost all
other products. In addition, the block covers  Google Hong Kong
<https://en.greatfire.org/https/www.google.com.hk> (China’s version of
Google), Google.com <https://en.greatfire.org/www.google.com> and all other
country specific versions.

We made unblockable mirror sites and Apps <https://unblock.cn.com/> that
can be accessed without any special tools or configuration. Currently, the
mirror sites include FreeWeibo
<https://s3.amazonaws.com/freeweibo./index.html>, our own project that
collected and publish censored Sina Weibo and its unblockable Android app
<https://s3.amazonaws.com/freeweibo./index.html?u=android>. GFW failed to
block our iOS app, but Apple voluntarily took it down. China digital times(
English <https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdtimes./index.html?u=>/Chinese
<https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdtimes./index.html>) and Pao-Pao
<https://s3.amazonaws.com/pao-pao./index.html>, all of which produce highly
sensitive content but cannot be blocked (of course, all original websites
are blocked) without causing serious economic damages. Microsoft, Amazon,
and Github have to be blocked, creating serious problems for companies
located in China. If our mirror sites are not blocked during this year’s
June 4th, it's fair to say that our collateral freedom approach passes one
of the most rigorous tests of censorship and we're on the right track to
defeating GFW and make information accessible to all.

Percy Alpha(PGP <https://en.greatfire.org/contact#alt>)
GreatFire.org Team
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