[liberationtech] Inside Citizen Lab, the “Hacker Hothouse” protecting you from Big Brother

Joshua Kopstein joshk at riseup.net
Thu Jul 31 13:22:23 PDT 2014

Hey LibTech,

Seeing as how their research is frequently posted here, I thought the
list might be interested in this profile of Citizen Lab I wrote for Ars


Citizen Lab does really important work and is a pretty well-known in the
human rights & privacy scenes. But I'm hoping this piece will make their
efforts a little more visible and present within the larger tech world
and beyond -- esp. given their uniqueness as an institution that
grapples with these topics on multiple levels in the post-Snowden era.
Please feel free to share widely.


Joshua Kopstein
cyberculture journalist
PGP: http://is.gd/lHEXgs

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