[liberationtech] What open government public opinion survey questions would you ask?
Gannon Dick
gannon_dick at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 29 12:15:20 PDT 2014
Thanks Steven,
One thing I'd love to ask people are their opinions on Work-Life Balance for Government Employees - both Political Appointees and Career Civil Service. I am neither of those, BTW, but it would be interesting to understand the expectations.
Personal Identity is coupled with Occupation and Occupation is coupled with location of the workplace. But coupling is not correlation*. In the Private Sector, "The Boss is always right", "My way or the Highway" etc. and conflicting expectations never require a transparent solution.
Presumably that is different in an Open Government which is not designed unreasonable or exploitive of "Labor", who underneath are citizens. Bureaucrats are people too! There are advantages to visualizing the calendar as coordinated time for Labor Issues.
* One of these days the "We" of the Five Eyes are going to have to explain exactly who among them did not know about correlation and coupling (Identity by Chemical Shift). I hope there will be free Popcorn.
On Mon, 7/28/14, Steven Clift <clift at e-democracy.org> wrote:
Subject: What open government public opinion survey questions would you ask?
To: "newswire" <newswire at groups.dowire.org>, "brigade" <brigade at codeforamerica.org>, "open-government at lists.okfn.org" <open-government at lists.okfn.org>, "OGP Civil Society group" <ogp at dgroups.org>, "eGovIG IG" <public-egov-ig at w3.org>, "liberationtech" <liberationtech at mailman.stanford.edu>
Date: Monday, July 28, 2014, 9:05 AM
I am helping Pew Research's Internet
and American Life project gather
your ideas on public survey questions about open
- Details and comment via this
Facebook topic
This is a very exciting opportunity to provide input this
When Pew Research releases survey results, I know of no
project which
generates as much technology and society media attention.
questions asked by Pew Research tend to trickle around the
world. So
let's help them ask some insightful questions that tell us
more about
what we really need to know about public support for open
efforts and related issues.
Steven Clift
Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com
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