[liberationtech] 42 Voices About Open Government - Seeking beta readers for the English-language version

Megan megan.eskey at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 25 21:11:30 PDT 2014

The Public Innovation Network (XIP) is seeking beta-readers for the English-language version of their project. The White House Open Government Google Group has all of the relevant information (see link below), including a link to the beta version on Google docs. 

It needs a rewrite by someone who can do a professional job.  

Ideally, the final version will be released via the news media in the US and the UK.

If interested, contact Marc Torres at geoinquiet at gmail.com . The Catalan and Spanish versions are available for download today. You can find Marc on Google+ under the name geo inquiet or on Twitter as @marc_torres_

If you have any contacts outside of this group who can help XIP (based in Barcelona), please pass this message on.  Thank you!

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