[liberationtech] My HOPE X report: my panel surveilled, phone hacked

Douglas Lucas dal at riseup.net
Thu Jul 24 11:20:59 PDT 2014

All HOPE X talks are available on DVD. Not sure about the livestream
views, but those are different than the DVD views and might not show all
the slides or all the speakers very clearly. The people who came to our
panel used a telephoto lens to get each panelist's face and filmed our
slides, paying particular interest to the one with all the contractor
logos and to the one demonstrating the Transparency Toolkit which
graphed out the contractors' LinkedIn profiles. The people also laughed
knowingly when I discussed my interactions with a former Stratfor
analyst (she muttered "fuck you motherfucker" at me). So they may have
gotten more out of being there than they would have at home or via the DVD.

BTW, here's my tweet to the article:

On 07/24/2014 01:05 PM, Eva Galperin wrote:
> Aren't all of the HOPE X talks livestreamed? And also available on
> DVD? I can't say for certain that there wasn't surveillance, but it
> sure seems pointless.
> --Eva
> On 7/24/14, 11:03 AM, Douglas Lucas wrote:
>> Hi Libtech,
>> I was on the Project PM panel at the HOPE X conference in NYC last 
>> weekend. We talked about crowdsourcing research into private 
>> surveillance contractors like Raytheon, Palantir, HBGary, Stratfor 
>> (video embedded)...and some people came to surveil the panel,
>> recording it and acting suspicious. There's also my one-on-one with
>> Thomas Drake (who retweeted this article) and what happened to my
>> phone... Thought y'all would enjoy my report from HOPE X:
>> http://thecryptosphere.com/2014/07/23/report-from-hope-x-surveillance-snowden-stratfor-and-surprises/
>>  Thanks,
>> Douglas

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