[liberationtech] Foxacid payload

Georgi Guninski guninski at guninski.com
Mon Jul 21 08:21:48 PDT 2014

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 12:32:26PM -0700, coderman wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Andy Isaacson <adi at hexapodia.org> wrote:
> > ...
> > And once you've patched this bug, FOXACID will update to issue another
> > 0day.
> >
> > It's worth doing, for sure!  Patching bugs makes us all incrementally
> > safer.
> >
> > But don't pretend that patching the specific attack your adversary is
> > currently using will disable or even seriously inconvenience the
> > adversary.
> this is exactly why some who have received these payloads are sitting
> on them, rather than disclosing.
> it is more useful to mitigate privately, and observe how/when an
> exploit is used,
>  than burn it publicly for zero effective security improvement.
> (the less scrupulous would sell to highest bidder for other clandestine hacks)
> better ideas welcome!
> best regards,

/me agrees with this.

how would the dear NSA respond to
a target who ``borrowed'' the sploits,
trolls them and advertises vulnerable
to the borrowed sploits configuration,
yet the borrowed sploits don't work?
(the advertised configuration is not
at all vulnerable to the borrowed

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