[liberationtech] GOOGLE+ HANGOUT for SIDS YOUTH

Bruce G. Potter bpotter at irf.org
Sun Jul 13 10:43:14 PDT 2014

According to the web page copied below <http://www.sids2014.org/index.php?menu=1584>, it seems that the United Nations has carefully reviewed the Terms of Service and User End Licensing Agreement for Google+ and the Hangout application (including all of the potential use of participant personal data and on-line behavior) and has therefore decided to encourage/require youth leaders interested in the Small Island Developing State international conference process (a global meeting to be held in Apia, Samoa in September 2014) to enroll with Google, Google+, and Hangout. 

Frankly I spend a good bit of time trying to avoid sharing information with Google -- I really hope the cost is worth it, and that the decision to share this information has been well considered . . . . 

Bruce Potter
bpotter at irf.org

Google+ Hangout

Samoa 2014: Empowering Youth for Sustainable Islands

The Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States will take place from 1 to 4 September 2014 in Apia, Samoa. It is a once in a decade opportunity to focus the world's attention on a group of countries that remain a special case for sustainable development in view of their unique and particular vulnerabilities

The Google+ Hangout 'Samoa 2014: Empowering Youth for Sustainable Islands' will allow young people from islands across the globe to discuss the challenges of these islands with the Conference Secretary-General, Wu Hongbo.

They will share their views on what youth need to do and are doing to improve their communities, and they will speak of the challenges they face. The Hangout will bring together people from the three different small island developing states regions: the Pacific, the Caribbean, and the AIMS (Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea) regions.

If you have questions for any of the panellists, please share them by tweeting to @SustDev using #islands2014. A selection will be answered by the panellists.


Mr Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General, SG of the Conference
Karuna Rana, Deputy Organising Partner for SIDS
Alex Cumberbatch, Caribbean region
Krishnee Appadoo, AIMS region
Molly Homasi (tbc), Pacific region
Moderator: Matthias Klettermayer


24 July 2014, 3:30pm EDT


United Nations Google+ page: http://bit.ly/1jhfj3Y

Join Google+Join Google+ to follow United Nations.

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