[liberationtech] Fwd: Real vs. Fake: How to authenticate YouTube videos for human rights work

Buddha Halder bhalder134 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 18:39:37 PDT 2014

Dear All,
Christoph Koettl from Amnesty USA’s Crisis Prevention and Response Unit
reports (
on a new tool called 'Citizen Evidence Lab' (http://citizenevidence.org/)
he’s launching to help human rights workers sift video fact from fiction.
It looks really interesting tool.

*Buddha Halder* <https://buddhacv.crowdmap.com/>
PhD Research Fellow
Twitter: @HalderBuddha

*Buddha Halder* <https://buddhacv.crowdmap.com/>
PhD Research Fellow
LAST-JD Programme
Twitter: @HalderBuddha
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