[liberationtech] RiseApp project

Leonardo Maccari leonardo.maccari at unitn.it
Mon Jul 7 05:22:48 PDT 2014

Hi list,

This is my first email, so hi everybody, i'm a researcher from Trento
(Italy) mainly working on wireless mesh networks.

This mail it's about funds for a project i've been thinking lately that
i think is appropriate for the list. The project website is


It is imagined to facilitate the diffusion of media in risky situations,
and it is participating to the call for ideas organized by the CHEST
European project. Right now it is just an idea, but if it gets enough
votes it will receive an initial funding to make a feasibility study
(yes, crowd-based selection...).

if you like the project you can vote it here:


and of course you can leave a comment, a remark, and spread the voice if
you like it.

A few hours are left for the voting, that ends today, 7/7 at 17:00 CET.

Leonardo Maccari, Post-doc researcher at University of Trento
Tel: +39 0461 285323, www.disi.unitn.it/~maccari, gpg ID: AABE2BD7

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