[liberationtech] LUKS "Self-Destruct" feature introduced in Kali Linux

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Fri Jan 31 04:02:38 PST 2014

Hash: SHA256

On 2014.01.31 11.31, Amin Sabeti wrote:
> In the Iran case, I think using TrueCrypt would be better because
> hiding files is more important than destroying it. For instance, it
> would be not practical to destroy files when the authorities
> confiscate your laptop.

Be aware that even if Truecrypt gets everything right (something the
forthcoming audit will hopefully reveal), the list of requirements for
using deniable volumes correctly in a manner that does not reveal
their existence is quite long, even just look at what's present in
their documentation.  If you're going to rely on this for opsec,
please carefully evaluate whether you are up to dealing with this
level of effort.  An incompletely hidden volume that shows clear
intent may raise more flags than a simple encrypted volume.  Likewise,
if you're using tools that support data "deniability" features and
believe you may be questioned, please evaluate carefully what you'll
do if accused of having hidden a non-existent hidden volume.

Developers of such tools, consider carefully whether by adding
features like this you're actually improving security outcomes for
your users; consider talking to them about it, maybe.


- -- 
Ideas are my favorite toys.
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