[liberationtech] #ICT4D BOOK: TV White Spaces, a pragmatic approach

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Thu Jan 30 07:51:00 PST 2014

From: Marco Zennaro <mzennaro at ictp.it>

TV White Spaces, a pragmatic approach

The growing demand for wireless data transmission imposes the search for
alternatives to the current spectrum exploitation schemes. In the long
term, dynamic spectrum access seems to be the only viable solution, once
the technical details for its implementation are solved. In the near term,
the use of currently vacant spectrum allocated to TV broadcast is poised to
alleviate the spectrum crunch while opening the path for dynamic spectrum

While several trials and deployments of TV White Spaces have been conducted
in the USA, Europe and Africa, there are still many aspects that need to be
considered in order to benefit from this technology.  A team
of international experts addresses some of the most relevant issues,
ranging from the spectrum regulatory framework and the societal
implications to the technical details.

WiFi has had an unexpected success in the traffic off-loading of cellular
networks, so WS could also be deployed for this purpose. Furthermore, for
machine-to-machine applications and the "Internet of Things" paradigm WS
have significant advantages both for developed and developing economies.

Following the great success of the Wireless Networking for Developing
World book (http://www.wndw.net), we offer this new work, focused on a more
specific subject.

"This collection of articles explores both the policy and the technology
around TV White Spaces. They are great articles individually, but they are
strictly more powerful as a group. And as a group they continue the great
heritage of mutual respect and discussion between technologists and policy
makers - a heritage that includes changing the world for the better on a
regular basis. (Professor Eric Brewer, University of California at

Visit http://wireless.ictp.it/tvws/book/ to download your free copy.

Marco Zennaro, PhD
Telecommunications / ICT for Development Laboratory
the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
34014 Trieste

Telephone: +39 040 2240 406
Web:           http://wireless.ictp.it
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