[liberationtech] blatant groveling: my book "It's Complicated"
Amin Sabeti
aminsabeti at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 14:18:06 PST 2014
It looks interesting :) I'll order it.
On 28 January 2014 19:40, Paul Bernal (LAW) <Paul.Bernal at uea.ac.uk> wrote:
> Looks great - will order it, and tweet about it.
> Paul
> Dr Paul Bernal
> Lecturer
> UEA Law School
> University of East Anglia
> Norwich Research Park
> Norwich NR4 7TJ
> email: paul.bernal at uea.ac.uk
> Web: http://www.paulbernal.co.uk/
> Blog: http://paulbernal.wordpress.com/
> Twitter: @paulbernalUK
> On 28 Jan 2014, at 19:12, danah boyd <danah-tech at danah.org> wrote:
> Friends & Colleagues -
> In less than a month, my new book - *"It's Complicated: The Social Lives
> of Networked Teens" *(see: http://www.danah.org/itscomplicated/ ) - will
> be published. This is the product of ten years worth of research into how
> social media has inflected American teen life. I'm writing today in the
> hopes that you might consider pre-ordering a copy (or two <grin>). This
> book (published by Yale University Press) is a cross trade/academic book.
> Pre-sales and first week sales significantly affect how a trade book is
> marketed and distributed. Even though this book is based on grounded data,
> I've written it to be publicly accessible in the hopes that parents,
> educators, journalists, and policy makers will read it and reconsider their
> attitude towards technology and teen practices. The book covers everything
> from addiction, bullying, and online safety to privacy, inequality, and the
> digital natives debate. I suspect that the chapter on privacy might be of
> particular interest to the folks on this list.
> If you have the financial wherewithal to buy a copy, I'd be super
> grateful. If you don't, I *totally* understand. Either way, I'd be super
> super super appreciative if you could help me get the word out about the
> book. I'm really hoping that this book will alter the public dialogue about
> teen use of social media.
> *You can pre-order it at:*
> - Amazon (Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook):
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0300166311/apophenia-20
> - Powell's: http://www.powells.com/biblio/62-9780300166316-0
> - Yale University Press:
> http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/book.asp?isbn=9780300166316
> Fingers crossed that y'all will find it useful and interesting.
> {{hug}}
> danah
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