[liberationtech] OPC - Special Report to Parliament, Jan 2014sr_cic_e.pdf

Christopher Parsons christopher at christopher-parsons.com
Tue Jan 28 13:02:21 PST 2014

Also, the NDP (Canada’s federal opposition party) tabled questions to the government today. The NDP is requesting information about why, how often, and on what terms government agencies request information from Canadian telecommunications service providers. See Q-233 at http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=41&Ses=2&DocId=6391359&File=11

(A slightly easier to read version of the NDP’s questions are here: http://www.christopher-parsons.com/more-voices-call-for-transparency-in-canadian-telecommunications/)

Christopher Parsons
Postdoctoral Fellow
Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs

On January 28, 2014 at 2:00:22 PM, Rafal Rohozinski (r.rohozinski at secdev.com) wrote:

Apologies, I forgot this list scrubs attachments. Here is the link to  
the report on the office of the privacy Commissioner's website.  


Sent by SecDev secure mobile. Please excuse typos or other oddities.  

> On Jan 28, 2014, at 13:30, Rafal Rohozinski <r.rohozinski at secdev.com> wrote:  
> Dear LibTech colleagues,  
> Attached is a report from Canada's privacy Commissioner addressing the  
> issue of privacy and oversight in the era of cyber surveillance.  
> Rafal  
> <OPC - Special Report to Parliament, Jan 2014sr_cic_e.pdf>  
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