[liberationtech] blatant groveling: my book "It's Complicated"

elham gheytanchi elhamucla at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 28 11:28:02 PST 2014

Congratulations. I just ordered it.
Best,elham gheytanchi

From: danah-tech at danah.org
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:12:23 -0500
To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: [liberationtech] blatant groveling: my book "It's Complicated"

Friends & Colleagues - 
In less than a month, my new book - "It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens" (see: http://www.danah.org/itscomplicated/ ) - will be published.  This is the product of ten years worth of research into how social media has inflected American teen life.  I'm writing today in the hopes that you might consider pre-ordering a copy (or two <grin>).  This book (published by Yale University Press) is a cross trade/academic book. Pre-sales and first week sales significantly affect how a trade book is marketed and distributed. Even though this book is based on grounded data, I've written it to be publicly accessible in the hopes that parents, educators, journalists, and policy makers will read it and reconsider their attitude towards technology and teen practices.  The book covers everything from addiction, bullying, and online safety to privacy, inequality, and the digital natives debate. I suspect that the chapter on privacy might be of particular interest to the folks on this list. 
If you have the financial wherewithal to buy a copy, I'd be super grateful.  If you don't, I *totally* understand.  Either way, I'd be super super super appreciative if you could help me get the word out about the book. I'm really hoping that this book will alter the public dialogue about teen use of social media. 
You can pre-order it at:- Amazon (Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook): http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0300166311/apophenia-20- Powell's: http://www.powells.com/biblio/62-9780300166316-0- Yale University Press: http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/book.asp?isbn=9780300166316
Fingers crossed that y'all will find it useful and interesting.  

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