[liberationtech] HOPE X Call For Speakers

aestetix aestetix at aestetix.com
Sat Jan 25 13:22:31 PST 2014

Attention all hackers, makers, whistleblowers, artists, phone phreaks, 
rebels, technologists, and free thinkers everywhere! Come and share your 
ideas, thoughts, and passions with thousands of really bright, creative, 
and open-minded people in New York City this summer at HOPE X.

We have room for around 100 talks and panels covering a wide range of 
topics, limited only by our collective imagination. Past talks and panels
have included: anonymity, surveillance and countersurveillance, social
engineering, hardware hacking, cryptography, privacy, security, censorship,
programming, democracy and law, digital protests, society hacking,
copyright, phone phreaking and telecommunications, new technologies, all 
manner of experimentation, and so much more. We are constantly searching 
for innovative subjects and presentation formats. Come and show us what
you've got!

All types of presentations are encouraged, from solo talks to panels, 
debates, demonstrations, and interactive discussions. (Workshop ideas 
and art exhibitions are also welcome - see the applicable sections on the
HOPE X site.) Most presentations will be allotted 55 minutes - including 
time for questions from the audience.

If you would like to be a speaker, submit a title and a description of 
the proposed presentation (two to three paragraphs) along with a short 
biography (three or four sentences will suffice). Submissions should be 
sent by email to speakers at hope.net. Be sure to tell us why you think 
the topic and content are relevant to the hacker community and to HOPE X 

We also recommend reading our additional tips on speaker submissions which
can be found at http://x.hope.net under "Call for Participants."

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