[liberationtech] Whiteout OpenPGP.js encrypted mail client (Chrome HML5 App)

Paul Ferguson fergdawgster at mykolab.com
Tue Jan 21 18:36:28 PST 2014

Hash: SHA256

Hi Fabio,

On 1/21/2014 6:28 PM, Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) wrote:

> From the very active OpenPGP.js community it has been just released
> the Alpha version of WhiteOut mail, an encrypted email client
> entirely done in HTML5/Javascript delivered as a Chrome Packaged
> App with Gmail integration.
> It's worth looking at the future of this project.
> -- Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) HERMES - Center for Transparency and
> Digital Human Rights http://logioshermes.org -
> http://globaleaks.org - http://tor2web.org

While I do not disagree with you here, per se, I would like to point
out that any client  that gratuitously trusts JavaScript *or* HTML5 is
also a client which allows the end user to be victimized by the most
casual daily criminal campaigns.

JavaScript and HTML5 are both powerful building blocks of Web 2.0
content, but they are equally evil as they are used by criminals to
victimize the vast majority of pedestrian Internet users.

If we keep marching down the path we have been on, then we are simply
continuing to train users to be victims or cybercrime.

We need much better controls for end users, which don;t require them
to make complicated decisions.


- - ferg

- -- 
Paul Ferguson
PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


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