[liberationtech] RightsCon Satelite Events

Joseph Lorenzo Hall joe at cdt.org
Tue Jan 21 14:55:34 PST 2014

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Regrets from CDT for RightsCon... IETF 89 is that week (for the
technologists) as is CDT's 20th anniversary in DC on 3/5. best, Joe

On 1/20/14, 6:24 PM, Brett Solomon wrote:
> Hey
> In addition to the RightsCon satellite event that Gunner
> mentioned, there are three more you'll find on the rightscon.org 
> <http://rightscon.org> website: OpenITP's sprint on Privacy; a
> CITRIS session on Surveillance; and a Berkeley School of Law event
> on cyber investigation and crimes against humanity.
> On top of that there are a further 3-5 events in development
> including the Access Unhackathon, a closed event on Mutual Legal
> Assistance Treaties and a Rapid Responders meeting. Details of
> these events are forthcoming.
> People who are interested in getting tickets to RightsCon Silicon
> Valley <http://rightscon.org> proper (March 3rd-5th) can do so
> here 
> <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rightscon-silicon-valley-tickets-3542528799?ref=ebtnebtckt>
which will entitle you to full three days of program and entry to some
> of the satellite events, though others are private or require 
> pre-registration.
> *As fellow members of our community, we're delighted to offer the 
> LibTech mailing list a 25% discount on ticket prices. *Use the
> link below, or the code /Libtech25/ to redeem:
> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rightscon-silicon-valley-tickets-3542528799?discount=Libtech25
>  Best wishes,
> Brett
> Brett Solomon Executive Director | Access accessnow.org
> <http://accessnow.org> @accessnow Key ID: 0x312B641A/ / On Mon, Jan
> 20, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Allen Gunn <gunner at aspirationtech.org 
> <mailto:gunner at aspirationtech.org>> wrote:
> Hey Rory,
> I don't know about a full list, but The Engine Room and Aspiration
> are co-organizaing the first Responsible Data Forum on Thursday 6
> March, on the day after RightsCon:
> https://www.theengineroom.org/projects/responsible-data-forum/
> We welcome anyone interested in helping NGOs, activists and allies
> use data in safer, more secure and privacy-aware ways to join us
> for an interactive day of knowledge sharing and collaborating.
> peace gunner
> On 01/20/2014 06:17 AM, Security First wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We are looking forward to hopefully seeing a lot of you at 
>> RightsCon in March - where we also will be doing a 5 minute
>> glimpse of the alpha version of our Security First App.
>> I was just wondering, does anyone have a list of the satellite 
>> events which will be going on around the time of RightsCon? I
>> have already signed up for the UI event on the 1st and 2nd but
>> what other ones are planned?
>> All the best,
>> Rory
> -- Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. 
> Violations of list guidelines will get you moderated: 
> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. 
> Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing 
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- -- 
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Chief Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology
1634 I ST NW STE 1100
Washington DC 20006-4011
(p) 202-407-8825
(f) 202-637-0968
joe at cdt.org
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