[liberationtech] On Jan 22, blog-post discussion of UNESCO/IFLA Media & Information Literacy recos
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 21 10:45:03 PST 2014
From: Sheila A Webber <s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk>
The next online online blog-comment information literacy Journal Club
meeting takes place at 8-9 pm UK time on Wednesday 22 January 2014 (see
http://tinyurl.com/kr8qvhb for times elsewhere in the world).
The topic will be the resolution on Media and Information Literacy (MIL)
that was approved by the UNESCO General Conference in November 2013. UNESCO
member countries are now encouraged by UNESCO to endorse these at a
national level. You may know that this resolution is based on the MIL
recommendations produced and endorsed by IFLA.
To participate you go to
there is more information and links to the MIL resolution) and
comment on that blog post.
Do join us for the real-time discussion of this short document at 8pm UK
time on the 22nd, or you can add comments afterwards (or before) if you
can't make it at that time. We will be encouraging discussion of questions
such as:
- What can be done (or is already being done) in your country to lobby and
challenge your government about these recommendations?
- Who can we work with on getting UNESCO member states to (quoting the
resolution) "to take the Media and Information Literacy Recommendations
into consideration during the planning of future strategies, policies, and
initiatives on education, lifelong learning, literacy, and other areas
which will contribute to building a Knowledge Society."
- How can we ensure that there isn't a focus on media literacy to the
exclusion of information literacy?
If you want to see what a blog post discussion looks like, just click on
any of the previous discussion posts on the journal club blog at
Sheila Webber, Senior Lecturer & Director of the Centre for Information
Literacy Research, Information School, The University of Sheffield, 211
Portobello Street, Sheffield, S1 4DP. UK
s.webber at sheffield.ac.uk
Phone: +44 114 222 2641
Second Life & Twitter: Sheila Yoshikawa
The Information Literacy Weblog http://information-literacy.blogspot.com/
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