[liberationtech] 15 years later, why can't Johnny still not encrypt?

Tempest tempest at bitmessage.ch
Thu Jan 16 04:58:37 PST 2014

> a direct, demonstration / walk through is a very different learning
> experience compared to manuals and command lines staring back at you
> from the abyss.

we're past that though. there is gui implementation of gpg. the "hard"
part largely comes down to it being a new concept for novices.

> usability with respect to security and privacy technology a great
> challenge worthy in many facets.  you speak from experience teaching
> others - your input on specifics of successfully teaching others,
> rather than dismissal of anecdotes, is certainly needed!
> (as are others reading this list who otherwise lurk compulsively ;)

the means i've used to walk others through the process involved either
instant messaging or irc. hardly ideal communication mediums for
instructing novice users. but, in the end, it worked and the people use
it now. i also have a section of a tutorial i've drafted that details
how to install enigmail in icedove with images at very step. the release
of the tutorial is on hold until an issue in whonix is fixed though.

again, i'm not taking issue with the notion that installing and using
gpg is dificult. i take issue with the reckless headline that states it
shouldn't be used, particularly given what is stated in the op-ed. "math
is tough so you shouldn't learn it." sounds silly, no?

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