[liberationtech] Launch of SayIt - online transcript tool

Daniel Cross daniel at ritualmedia.co.nz
Wed Jan 15 15:47:15 PST 2014

Nice work. I really like this, and hope it gets good use.


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 4:07 AM, Jen Bramley <jen at mysociety.org> wrote:

> Apologies if people receive this a number of times because it's cross
> posted!
> Hey all,
> Poplus <http://poplus.org/>, the network that mySociety<http://www.mysociety.org/>and Ciudadano
> Inteligente <http://www.ciudadanointeligente.org/?lang=en>have founded, has
> taken a big step forward today, thanks to the launch of SayIt<http://sayit.mysociety.org/>. Our goal is to collaboratively build pieces of technology that make it
> quicker and cheaper for people around the world to build websites and apps
> designed to make empower citizens. We would love users, developers,
> activists NGOs and CSOs to contribute to this network in any way they wish.
> It could be by building, using, testing or sharing components!
> But I digress, back to the launch.
> SayIt <http://sayit.mysociety.org/> exists to make it easy to publish
> beautiful, easy to search, transcripts of politicians’ speeches,
> interviews, and the proceedings of trials.
> We've uploaded some examples from the UK that are demos of what SayIt
> could be used for:
> The Leveson Inquiry <http://leveson.sayit.mysociety.org/> An
> investigation into press ethics in the UK
> The Charles Taylor trial <http://charles-taylor.sayit.mysociety.org/> The
> former president of Liberia’s war crimes trial
> And the complete works of Shakespeare<http://shakespeare.sayit.mysociety.org/>(you can search
> them for any keyword<http://shakespeare.sayit.mysociety.org/search/?q=unicorn>,
> browse by character <http://shakespeare.sayit.mysociety.org/speakers>, or
> by individual plays <http://shakespeare.sayit.mysociety.org/speeches>).
> However, the real goal of SayIt <http://sayit.mysociety.org/> is to
> accelerate the launch of websites, all around the world, that keep track of
> what is said by politicians and other powerful people. The idea is thatthis component could be added to existing websites without having to
> abandon all your current technology. We're currently only accepting
> transcripts in the Akoma Ntoso standard for upload (because the project is
> still in Alpha) but we've got a little documentation on how to parse to the
> standard and we will be spending some time helping people who need help
> with getting their data online.
> We’ve written a blog post<http://www.mysociety.org/2014/01/15/introducing-sayit-a-poplus-component-to-bring-transcript-publication-into-the-modern-world/>about the launch where you can see a little more information about what
> this component does but for the technical people it's probably better to go
> onto the site and look around. Please do browse, use and give feedback!
> All the best
> Jen
> --
> Jen Bramley
> *International Project Development Manager*
> mySociety | mysociety.org/international/
> Tel: 0044 (0) 7806 604 041
> Skype: JenMySoc
> @mySocietyIntl
> If you have set up Alaveteli or FixMyStreet please fill in our surveys!
> FixMyStreet Survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10PnEmAgX9d3ZayB2O9xGKNbGaBWaPK9ioSs-rz4-SgM/viewform>
>  and Alaveteli Survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1INYP6NUOukNWXhzHDWCGlxySE0_LibMaa1zqma_kuRc/viewform>
> --
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