[liberationtech] 250+ academics band together to plead for online privacy

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 3 14:30:56 PST 2014

Around 250 leading academics from around the world have decried the online
spying activities of U.S. and European intelligence services in an “Academics
Against Mass Surveillance” manifesto<http://academicsagainstsurveillance.net/>,
published on Friday. The signatories work in a variety of fields, including
human rights, law, privacy, sociology, security and media. One, Cambridge
University Head of Cryptography Ross Anderson, also gave an
 to *Forbes *in which he called for the abolition of the UK Security
Service, also known as MI5, arguing that national security should be a job
for the police. In December more than 500 of the world’s leading authors
also banded together<http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/10/surveillance-theft-worlds-leading-authors>
a coalition dubbed Writers Against Mass

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