[liberationtech] Tech for Conflict Mgmt & Peacebuilding online certificate course (Jan 13 - Feb 7, 2014)
Nancy Ngo
nancy at techchange.org
Fri Jan 3 08:10:00 PST 2014
Hello everyone,
Happy new year! Hope that you had a wonderful holiday.
I wanted to let you know about an upcoming *Technology for Conflict
Management & Peacebuilding
course that anyone working in conflict management, peacebuilding, and
security issues might be interested in.
This online course already has some awesome participants signed up from
organizations like ICRC, Chemonics, DAI, Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom, British Embassy (Washington DC), EU Rule of Law Mission
in Kosovo, and more from Mali, Liberia, Switzerland, and several other
Please see the details below and feel free to share widely to anyone in
your networks who might be in interested in this course.
Don't forget to enter the coupon code below for a discount, and if your
organization is interested in group discount rates, please email me at
nancy at techchange.org.
Best regards,
*Technology for Conflict Management &
designed for conflict managers, mediators, peacebuilding & conflict
resolution experts, and conflict analysts to become familiar with the
latest technology in digital mapping, mobile platforms, and social media
that can be applied to promoting peace across the world.
*Course description:*
Access to mobile phones and internet has increased dramatically worldwide,
providing conflict management and resolution professionals with a variety
of new tools for monitoring violence, sustaining dialogue during peace
processes, and localizing peacebuilding efforts. This course will cover the
use of mobile phones, digital mapping, and social media in conflict
management and peacebuilding with case studies from Kenya, Syria, Uganda,
and Myanmar and an interactive learning experience.
*Course date*: January 13- February 7, 2014.
*Format:* interactive online course with facilitated discussions with
peacebuilding technologists and experts
*Guest speakers & facilitator:*
Charles Martin-Shields, Fulbright Fellow & PhD candidate at George Mason
University's School of Conflict Analysis and
Dr. Walter Dorn, Canadian Forces
Jessica Heinzelman, Senior ICT Specialist at
Kathryn Striffolino, Amnesty
...and more!
*Discount for Liberation Tech members:*
Enter coupon code *LiberationTechTC109* by January 10 for $50 off
Click here <http://techchange.org/online-courses/technology-for-conflict-management-and-peacebuilding/>for
more information on this online course.
*Apply now for early bird special!
Nancy Ngo
TechChange: The Institute for Technology and Social Change
Director of Marketing
Mobile: 202-6300-NGO (202-630-0646)
nancy at techchange.org
techchange.org <http://www.techchange.org>
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