[liberationtech] Privus?

Hisham almiraatblog at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 09:27:46 PST 2014

Hello LibTech crowd,

Sorry if this has been discussed here before but is anybody here familiar
with a software called Privus?

Its developers promote it as an encryption service that "offers absolutely
unbreakable security".
It uses OTP encryption technology, that developers claim is harder to break
that PGP.

I thought I should ask the list before I consider sharing widely.

Any thoughts welcome.




Hisham Almiraat

director, advox.org


@almiraat <https://twitter.com/almiraat> | @advox<https://twitter.com/Advox>

skype: hisham_almiraat


I encrypt at hisham at riseup.net,

fingerprint: ED94 D1CC 39AA F63E 1762 898B CE99 66E4 B371 9B7E
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