[liberationtech] March 6: "Pan-Optics: Emerging Perspectives on Visual Privacy & Surveillance, " UC Berkeley
Yosem Companys
companys at stanford.edu
Tue Feb 25 12:58:04 PST 2014
You are invited to the following event:
- Pan-Optics: Emerging Perspectives on Visual Privacy & Surveillance
Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Thursday, March 6, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PST)
Banatao Auditorium
Sutardja Dai Hall
UC Berkeley
Berkeley , CA 94720
Presented by:
- CITRIS, Data & Democracy Initiative, & UC Davis Mellon Research
Initiative in Digital Cultures
Please RSVP:
This symposium will bring together scholars and practitioners from a range
of disciplines to discuss privacy protections, surveillance methods, and
modes of resistance in a digital age. The program will feature two keynote
addresses and two panel discussions that will explore emerging surveillance
technologies and applications across a range of contexts, and then turn to
resistant strategies employed by individuals and organizations in response.
Registration Required. Tickets: $20 General Admission, $10 Faculty/Staff,
$5 Students.
Keynote Speakers:
- Rebecca MacKinnon
Senior Research Fellow, New America Foundation, Author of Consent of the
Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom
- Trevor Paglen
Artist, Social Scientist and Author of Invisible: Covert Operations and
Classified Landscapes
Panel 1 - Visual Surveillance: Policy and Technology
- Raegan MacDonald & Michael Carbone, Access
- Jennifer Lynch, Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Jennifer Urban, Samuelson Clinic for Law, Technology & Goldman School
of Public Policy
Panel 2 - Creative Resistance: Reclaiming Citizen Power through Social
Media & the Arts
- Kriss Ravetto, Co-Director Mellon Research Initiative in Digital
Cultures, UC Davis
- Colin Milburn, Co-Director Mellon Research Initiative in Digital
Cultures, UC Davis
- Julia Scher, multimedia artist
- Ken Goldberg, Faculty Director, CITRIS Data & Democracy Initiative,
The Rashomon Project
- Katherine Chandler, UCB Department of Rhetoric, Berkeley Center for
New Media Advocacy Project
We hope you can make it!
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