[liberationtech] The Research Bay #3

Marcin de Kaminski marcin at dekaminski.se
Mon Feb 24 15:35:35 PST 2014

The survey can be reached through www.thepiratebay.se ofc… :)

On 25 Feb 2014, at 24:33 , Marcin de Kaminski <marcin at dekaminski.se> wrote:

> Hey all,
> The Cybernorms research group and the Lund University Internet Institute (LUii) is currently doing a survey on file-sharing in collaboration with The Pirate Bay, the bitTorrent site. The survey runs from 25 to 27 February.
> The survey has been done twice before, and has been the largest of its kind with over 96,000 respondents. The first Research Bay survey was performed in April 2011, and it was followed by the Research Bay “re-loaded” about a year later in 2012. The Cybernorms research group also released the data from the first survey in a searchable database on this site, called the Survey Bay. Forbes reported, along with TechDirt and others.
> See also post on www.cybernormer.se
> Scientific articles based on previous Research Bay data
> 	• Larsson, S., Svensson, M., de Kaminski, M., Rönkkö, K., and Alkan Olsson, J. (2012) Law, norms, piracy and online anonymity – Practices of de-identification in the global file sharing community, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing 6(4): 260-280.
> 	• Larsson, Stefan, Svensson, Måns and de Kaminski, Marcin (2012) Online Piracy, Anonymity and Social Change – Innovation through Deviance, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 19(1): 95-114. 
> 	• Larsson, Stefan (2014) Conceptions of Copyright in a Digital Context. A Comparison between French and American File-sharers, Lexis – E-journal in English Lexicology.
> 	• de Kaminski, M., Svensson, M., Larsson, S., Alkan Olsson, J., Rönkkö, K. (2013) Studying Norms and Social Change in Digital Age: Identifying and Understanding a Multidimensional Gap Problem, in M Baier, Social and Legal Norms. Towards a socio-legal understanding of normativity, Ashgate Publishing.
> 	• Andersson Schwarz, J. and Larsson S. (forthcoming, 2014) On the Justifications of Piracy: Differences in conceptualization and argumentation between active uploaders and other file-sharers. In: Arvanitakis J and Fredriksson M (eds.), Piracy: Leakages from Modernity. Los Angeles, CA: Litwin Books.
> 	• Larsson, Wnukowska-Mtonga, Svensson, de Kaminski (forthcoming, 2014) Parallel Norms: File-sharing and Contemporary Copyright Development in Australia, Journal of World Intellectual Property.
> 	• Svensson, M., Larsson, S. and de Kaminski, M. (2013) Professionalizzazione, gender e anonimato nelle comunità di file sharing globale, in Roberto Braga and Giovanni Caruso (eds.) Piracy Effect, Milano, Italy: Mimesis Editore.
> -- 
> Marcin de Kaminski
> PhDc Sociology of Law, University of Lund
> Lund University Internet Institute, Cybernorms Research Group
> Personal homepage - www.dekaminski.se
> Phone#: +46-(0)768-045151

Marcin de Kaminski
PhDc Sociology of Law, University of Lund
Lund University Internet Institute, Cybernorms Research Group
Personal homepage - www.dekaminski.se

Phone#: +46-(0)768-045151

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