[liberationtech] Registration open: Information Influx - IViR's 25th anniversary conference - 2-4 July, Amsterdam

Axel Arnbak a.m.arnbak at uva.nl
Mon Feb 24 15:12:01 PST 2014

*** apologies for cross-posting ***

Registration is now open for Information Influx, the Institute for
Information Law's 25th anniversary conference on 2-4 July 2014 in

This international conference features the Information Influx Young
Scholars Award event, a public opening with a keynote speech by prof.
Yochai Benkler, and two days packed with panels sessions and keynotes
addressing the myriad legal challenges facing our information societies.
Check the conference website for the full programme and registration at

A random selection of additional speakers include:
Deirdre Mulligan (University of California, Berkeley)
Julian Oliver & Danja Vasiliev (Critical Engineers)
Fred von Lohmann (Google)
José van Dijck (University of Amsterdam)
James Boyle (Duke Law School)
Chris Hoofnagle (University of California, Berkeley)
Niva Elkin-Koren (University of Haifa)
Pamela Samuelson (University of California, Berkeley)
Joel Reidenberg (Princeton University, Fordham Law School)
Graeme Dinwoodie (Oxford University)
Philippe Aigrain (Software Freedom Law Center, Quadrature du Net)
Lodewijk Asscher (Deputy Prime Minister, The Netherlands)
Bernt Hugenholtz (Institute for Information Law)
Seda Gürses (New York University)
Hans de Zwart (Bits of Freedom)
Simon Davies (The Privacy Surgeon)
Ian Brown (Oxford University)

Registration is now open but we can only accommodate 225 participants,
so we advise you to register early. No registration is required for the
free public event on 2 July. Feel free to share this message across
relevant mailing lists.

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