[liberationtech] Many VPNs and Psiphon are currently blocked in Iran right now

Amin Sabeti aminsabeti at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 11:02:59 PST 2014


The important point that we must not forget is the first priority for users
in Iran is access. It means users would like to check their FB & Twitter
accounts. Therefore, TOR is not feasible solution for them because they
have not high speed internet connection.



On 22 February 2014 03:21, Nathan of Guardian
<nathan at guardianproject.info>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 02/21/2014 09:54 PM, Nima Fatemi wrote:
> > Nariman Gharib:
> >>> so if anybody can help me to tell me which these tools in below
> >>> are safe it would be great.
> > I've double checked that Tor works just fine in Iran. This is for
> > both vanilla (normal Tor Browser Bundle) and Pluggable Transports
> > Bundle (including but not limited to obfsproxy).
> >
> > Android users can use Orbot to access Tor network.
> >
> > I believe we have the necessary tools, what we certainly need here
> > is to educate ppl on how to use it safely.
> Yes, my question is why Nariman didn't have Orbot on his list in the
> first place? Perhaps people don't consider Tor to be a VPN, or don't
> know it is available on Android?
> - From the Tor metrics site (and as Nima said), there seems to be about
> 25,000 active Tor sessions per day from Iran, via direct access (not
> using a bridge):
> https://metrics.torproject.org/users.html?graph=userstats-relay-country&start=2013-11-24&end=2014-02-22&country=ir&events=off#userstats-relay-country
> We receive many emails each day from users in Iran, and it is
> definitely working for a good number of them. I know that with Google
> Play Store, Iranian users can search for Orbot, but when they try to
> download it, it is blocked with a 403 Forbidden error by a filter on
> the Iranian side. We do however offer direct downloads of our software
> (see the support link below)
> Maybe we need to create a version of this tutorial that can be
> published in Farsi on a site people visit?
> https://guardianproject.info/howto/browsefreely/
> We've also recently created a simple support message that could be
> sent out, to help people debug issues they might be having access
> downloads, configuring the software and so on:
> https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/support/wiki/Orbot_Auto_Response
> As for the other solutions, the only one that looks trustworthy is
> Shadowsocks, though it is just a SOCK5 proxy system, which means it is
> limited to the amount of proxy server IPs you can setup and host.
> +n
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