[liberationtech] [Cryptography] Advice and feedback on our crypto software audits

Tom Mitchell mitch at niftyegg.com
Fri Feb 21 18:17:40 PST 2014

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 7:41 AM, David Dahl <ddahl at nulltxt.se> wrote:

> Good Morning Crypto and Privacy Enthusiasts,
> [X-posted to randombit, metzdowd and liberation-tech]

> I'd like to solicit feedback from the crypto/privacy community on
> development procedures for bringing a new cryptography product to market in
> a responsible manner with sufficient review and vetting of its design and
> security claims.


> David Dahl
Apple and Google have both published security models and plans.
The Apple models is quite good...

Both are available on the web.

Anything you do must live in these worlds.

One tangle I see is applications that communicate with home
via strong encrypted channels can deliver anything.

My preference is that only authentication be strongly encrypted....
The data seen locally and transmitted should be audible.

  T o m    M i t c h e l l
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