[liberationtech] Information, Internet & Access are my Rights
Digital Empowerment Foundation
defindia at gmail.com
Tue Feb 18 21:04:27 PST 2014
Vol 3 Issue 2 | February 2014
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Letter from Editor
While Social media in the country is going gaga about upcoming elections, we at Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), use the medium to empower people at grassroots. In one of our attempts to use social media as a tool to empower, we initiated a Social Media for Empowerment website. To know more about the initiative visit our website.
Trying to improve the living conditions of people in the country we lately got involved in a project funded by the European Union. The initiative aims at reaching the poorest of poor in five districts by offering them information regarding government entitlements on their doorsteps. DEF organized the first inception workshop of this project with EU and 14 other NGOs in the first week of February. Through another initiative in collaboration with the European Union, DEF will work towards discussing issues, building capacities and understanding Internet as human rights.
We at DEF believe in the power of mobile immensely. Through our experiences with women mobile phone users we have observed that they feel highly secured and empowered with the most basic handset. Exploring the possibilities of Mobiles as a tool for Social & Behaviour Change, UNICEF India & DEF joined hands to discover the concept of 'mobile as a communication tool for development' in areas of information dissemination. The application for Call for Experiences, Practices and Case Studies will open from the 15th February.
We recently established a new Community Information Resource Centre (CIRC) in village Jhodinda Bhojpura, Phagi Tehsil, near Jaipur, Rajasthan. The centre was opened in the first week of February. The local coordinator of this CIRC is an inspiring woman, Vijay Lakshmi, who stood up against the ill practices of child marriage since her teenage years. She now looks forward to using the power of digital tools to make hundreds of girls in her village digitally empowered.
Through one of our projects' 'Chanderiyaan', which we started in 2010, we empowered many people of Chanderi, a small town and cluster of weavers of Chanderi silk. The weavers are now selling their traditional hand woven sarees through e-commerce. Since the launch of the portal last month, they have sold products worth more than Rs 76,000 (1223 USD), online and for more than 2,00,000 (3220USD) through online references. The portal now gets bookings and online enquiries on a daily basis.We are pleased to inform our readers that National Digital Literacy Mission' one of DEF's partnered initiative, was honored with the flame award for the year 2013. DEF is the proud participant of the initiative which helped in achieving 100% household literacy in three villages in the country. Last month , we also developed the website, Khamayati.org, for Barefoot College, Tilonia, Rajasthan. The website aggregates information about folk musicians and artists of Rajasthan and showcases
traditional and folk art of India.
Through this edition of the newsletter we unfold stories of our illiterate heroes at grassroots who are contributing in eradicating some of the country's most pressing socio-economic problems through Internet. Some of the leaders who have taken an initiative to bring in a change are: -Vijay Roy, a refugee settled with Sahriya tribes in Rajasthan; a second grade pass Raghav Mahto, who is serving in remote villages in Bihar with the help of internet; and Kalley Bhai- an author, writer, historian, precision handloom weaver, tourist guide, research, and development activist.
We wish the readers a happy reading!
Recent Activities
Khamayati website launched
Khamayati.org is a website developed under the eNGO Program of Digital Empowerment Foundation for Barefoot College, Tilonia. The website aggregates information about folk artists and musicians of Rajasthan and showcases the traditional and folk-art of India. The website will record the vibrant repertoire and enable lovers of this great tradition to connect directly with the musicians. The project promotes this genre of music, and looks at improving the community's socio-economic conditions through the website. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=361eb84575&e=558eede2b4)
Digital movement among tribal communities
With the help of Internet, the tribal communities in rural India are trying to eradicate some of the country's most pressing socio-economic problems. They are willing to bring about a paradigm shift by dedicating their lives to improve the living conditions of the under-privileged. Our team profiles such visionaries, who are fearlessly working towards upliftment of the society by using Internet for some very interesting initiatives. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=48f025d67d&e=558eede2b4)
CIRC opens at Jhodinda Bhojpura (Jaipur)
On Feb 2, 2014, Digital Empowered Foundation started a CIRC at Jhodinda Bhojpura village, near Jaipur, Rajasthan in partnership with a local resident, Vijaylaxmi Sharma. The centre aims to act as an information and communication hub to serve the needs of the local communities in education, health, livelihood, public service delivery etc. One important purpose of these CIRCs is to fulfill the needs of local communities through online and offline facilities.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=6ca3c26534&e=558eede2b4)
MSBC Project
Trying to examine the prospects of, 'Mobile Phone as a Tool for Social & Behaviour Change' Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) in collaboration with UNICEF India is working towards a model, which can be used for bringing in social and behaviour change amongst women. We are looking adapting and implementing it at a larger scale later.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=b3f503cf70&e=558eede2b4)
Protecting freedom of information on the internet
The experience of APC and our partners highlights new and emerging issues that are affecting Internet freedom in Pakistan, India and Malaysia and need a strategic response. The long-term effects of failure to support civil society organisations (CSOs), will now be disproportionately felt in future as government's repressive measures internet freedoms.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=14ebd407a6&e=558eede2b4)
Chanderiyaan: Weaving using the World Wide Web
Chanderi is a small town, which boasts of its expertise in beautiful hand woven sarees and apparels. Although, garments from the town are famous across the globe, weavers who make them live a hand-to-mouth existence through daily wages. A majority of them do not even own a loom. Even though the town earns annual revenue of Rs. 70 crore(11214350 USD), a weaving family on an average earns no more than Rs. 3,000(48 USD) a month. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=4fa33bdd57&e=558eede2b4)
A Digital Village
When you ask a software engineer like Shahid Ahmad about Jacquard weaving, the answer would stump many a fashion designers. "It is actually the world's oldest binary system," says Ahmad of Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF).Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=7804b5132a&e=558eede2b4)
NDLM honoured at FLAME Awards 2013
Having trained over 3 million citizens in the past two years, "The National Digital Literacy Mission" was chosen as the best 'Social Development Campaign of the Year' at the prestigious FLAME Awards 2013. This is a proud moment for Digital Empowerment Foundation. DEF partnered in the initiative, which helped in achieving 100% household literacy in three villages -Arain (Rajasthan); Naogang (North Tripura) and Muthayalammapalem (Visakhapatnam) in India. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=35e76943ad&e=558eede2b4)
Ideate and Debate at Social Media for Empowerment Portal
Evidently, Social Media has become an efficient platform for real work if used strategically over a period of time. It has power to change the world in many ways.With this belief, Digital Empowerment Foundation initiated Social Media for Empowerment Portal where social media evangelists can gather on one platform to share rich dialogues on social media issues and trends to inspire others to bring a positive change in the society. Join us in our journey. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=dab747dd9a&e=558eede2b4)
4th Annual National Sammelan scheduled on March 13-15
Time has come again for our annual gathering to discuss, take stock, learn from each other and move forward. We are inviting all of you to participate in the 4th Annual National Sammelan scheduled for three days from 13th March to 15th March 2014 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. The highlights: Discussions on CRS and Disaster Management; CRS in neighbouring countries; new technology tools for CRS; CRS Support Scheme details; Peer review progress etc. among other important things concerning sustainability, single window mechanism, CRS in difficult areas etc.
Live broadcasting of 10th Lok Utsav through digital intervention
Lok Utsav 2014, was a folk music festival organised in Tilonia from February 1, 2014 to February 4, 2014 under the Khamayati Project, Barefoot College. Live broadcasting through digital intervention of the fold artists held by Digital Empowerment Foundation showcased village level folk artists. The 10th Lok Utsav celebrated the memories of Khamaicha Vadak Sakhar Khan, Chautara Vadak Padma Ramji and drew inspiration from the work of Komal Kothari, Bhurji and many others who kept the tradition of performing arts in Rajasthan alive.
eNGO Workshops held in five locations
In the month of January, DEF organized eNGO workshops at five locations on various subjects like: rehabilitation of drug addicts, women security and backward caste upliftment. The eNGO workshop in Panjim (Goa) was held on January 25, in Beed (Maharashtra) on 28 January, on 30 January in Nandeed (Maharashtra). On January 31st two workshops were held: one in Hingoli (Maharashtra) and another in Sangli-Islampur (Maharashtra). 14 grassroots civil society and community based organizations participated in these workshops.
Google India-DEF Launches 'Good to Know' Campaign for Web
Search engine giant Google and Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), partnered and organized a series of online safety workshops for schools, NGOs, consumer and industry groups across India.The 'Good to Know', a nationwide campaign includes a series of online safety workshops that will reach schools, NGOs, consumer and industry groups across India. The first level of Training of Trainers' (ToT) programme. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=12185c037d&e=558eede2b4)
तकनीक से टकराव नहीं, उसे आत्मसात करने की जरूरत
आजकल अकसर हमें कहीं न कहीं विज्ञान और तकनीक से इस्लाम का टकराव देखने को मिल जाता है। दूर-दराज गांवों में कई बार मुस्लिम समुदाय विज्ञान और तकनीक को गैर-इस्लामी तक करार देते हैं। ऐसे में कई जगहों पर ऐसी सोच भी बनने लगी है कि इस्लाम विज्ञान और तकनीक को तरक्की का जरिया नहीं बनाया जा सकता। दरअसल, ऐसा उन मुसलमानों की वजह से हुआ है जो शरीयत को बिना समझे शरीयत के बारे में बात करना शुरू कर देते हैं। Read more (
गाँवों मे सूचना क्रांति के लिए सोशल मीडीया को पगडंडियों तक पहुंचना होगा
जहां सोशल मीडिया भारतीय राजनीति का नक्शा बदलने को तैयार है, वहीं इसने कभी-कभार इस्तेमाल करने वाले राजनीतिज्ञों या इसका बेजा इस्तेमाल करने वालों के लिए नई मुसीबत खड़ी कर दी है।इसका सबसे बड़ा उदाहरण है सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता से राजनेता बने केजरीवाल, जिन्होंने ट्विटर, फेसबुक की मदद से सड़क से सत्ता तक का सफर महज डेढ़ साल में तय कर ली है। हालांकि, यह भी सच है कि अकेले सोशल मीडिया पर प्रशंसकों की
संख्या से चुनाव नहीं जीते जा सकते हैं। हालांकि, इस बात से भी इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता कि पार्टी की रणनीति से अधिक से अधिक लोगों तक पहुंचने और उनकी समस्याओं को जानने में मदद मिली है। Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=193b453a92&e=558eede2b4)
India needs targeted thrust in ICT @ Health
It has been observed that the current UPA government in both its terms has taken broad-based initiatives to revamp two important pillars of development education and health. We have witnessed nationwide expansion of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) contributing to vital education and health infrastructure irrespective of several critical gaps and issues that exist. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=61ebd69a61&e=558eede2b4)
मछुआरों को टीवी से नहीं अब सीआईआरसी से मिलेगी मौसम की जानकारी
खूंखार हुआ 'हेलन', खतरे में विशाखापट्टनम…..ये वो लाइन थे जो पिछले साल नवंबर में हर टेलीविजन चैनल, अखबार में छाए हुए थे। क्या आप जानते हैं इस खबर का कितना असर हुआ था? इस खबर का असर इस कदर हुआ कि समुद्री तट पर रहने वाली पूरी आबादी घर बार छो़ड़ किसी सुरक्षित ठिकाने पर चली गई थी। हफ्तों दर बदर होने की वजह से उनके घर की चूल्हा बंद हो गया था। मछली पकड़ने से रोजाना जो कुछ भी कमाई हो जाती थी, इस सनसनी खबर ने
उस पर पाबंदी लगा दी थी। Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=e5f3b58e2c&e=558eede2b4)
India & a Safer Internet
Internet and its usage has become an integral part of our daily lives. It is a powerful platform that has not only revolutionized business, commerce and entertainment channels in urban cities of the country, but also given power to the villagers in every possible way.Villagers are now engaging with Internet, to educate themselves, know more about their rights, receive job cards etc. Although, Internet has enabled a rapid growth of information highway. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=6a1a8caa55&e=558eede2b4)
सीआईआरसी बदल सकती है ओपली ओडन की तस्वीर
13 मार्च 2013 का वो दिन आज भी मुझे याद है जब रेड रिक्शा रेवलूशन यात्रा के दौरान पहली बार उपली ओदन की उपसरपंच से मेरी मुलाकात हुई थी। जींस औऱ कुर्ते में मोटरसाइकिल पर सवार उपसरपंच राखी पालीवाल को देख थोड़ी देर के लिए हैरान हो गया था। पहली नजर में तो मुझे यकीन ही नहीं हुआ कि वो राजस्थान के एक छोटे से गांव की महिला उपसरपंच है।वैसे भी आमतौर पर गांवों में महिला सरपंच का पूरा काम उसका पति करता है या फिर
उसका पिता। लेकिन, राखी के साथ ऐसा नहीं था। बतौर उपसरपंच राखी खुद ही हर मुद्दे को अंजाम तक पहुंचाती है और लोगों की हक के लिए भी लड़ती है। आज राखी ने वो सबकुछ कर दिखाया है जो हर एक समर्पित समाज सेवी का सपना होता है।Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=f6aa4aa885&e=558eede2b4)
CMN: ALT Media Analysis
In the Line of Fire
Apart from the brutal killing of Nido Tainam, which received equal coverage from alternative as well as contemporary media, the mainstream media constantly repeated frames of Satya Nadella, Sachin Tendulkar and CNR Rao all over the television. While the alternative media, strived hard to make the voice of grassroots audible to the rest of the nation. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=ac63a9da3a&e=558eede2b4)
Mass Appeal
While alternative media is primarily covering social issues in effort to impact masses in various ways, the mainstream media is flooded with news on political issues. Stories on Republic Day parade, occupied a major chunk of space in mainstream news. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=56da488b56&e=558eede2b4)
Media – The Fourth Pillar
The Alternative Media is trying hard to make the voices of ordinary people reach the decision makers. They are struggling to change the society by bringing to light the ignored and standing up for those who cannot stand for themselves. The alternative media once again offered views, news and opinions that the mainstream media failed to deliver. As always, the mainstream media with its apprehensions and biases blatantly ignored the issues and areas, which are longing attention from the fourth pillar of the nation.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=8ef31139cc&e=558eede2b4)
For an Equal Society
Today's alternative media covered views, news and analysis surrounding inequality and mis-governance. Some of the most prominent stories covered by alternative media were by Kafila, Video Volunteers, TwoCircles.Net, The Hoot etc. While, alternative media primarily covered stories around social issues trying to impact masses in various ways, the stories on pepper spray in the Parliament, IPL auction and Valentines Day got plenty of coverage in most of the mainstream media. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=38b9abec4e&e=558eede2b4)
Stand and Deliver
While alternative media is primarily covering stories, which focus on benefitting society in various ways, the mainstream media is flooded with news on political issues. Stories on Modi's vision for 2014, sudden death of Union Minster Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushakar, plans of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to meet north-east. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=c81b8d3cd8&e=558eede2b4)
Time to Change
News Laundry writes on the campaign started by the right wing on Raheel Khursheed's appointment in Twitter: "Time to mind our own business". The author Somi Das questions, "Did Twitter India or Raheel Khursheed expect the outrage that broke out on Twitter following the announcement of Khursheed's appointment as Head of News. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=e2991eb0e5&e=558eede2b4)
Internet Landscape of Pakistan: Big Brother controls, listens, watches
The first ever comprehensive report mapping Pakistan's past, present and possible future online – "Pakistan's Internet Landscape" – was launched on Feb 1, 2014 at Avari Towers, in Karachi. The report provides a historical perspective of Internet censorship in Pakistan and the move to criminalize legitimate expression online. It outlines the state of Internet surveillance, means deployed, and the purpose and impact of such monitoring. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=cc323c5ee9&e=558eede2b4)
Join APC Communications and Information Policy Programme (CIPP)
APC is looking for a Project coordinator for its Communications and Information Policy Programme (CIPP) to coordinate APC's policy advocacy and capacity building and activities in the project "Networking for freedom online and offline: protecting freedom of information, expression and association on the internet in India, Malaysia and Pakistan". The project coordinator will be responsible for the coordination of the overall implementation of this new project building on APC's ongoing work in the region. The project coordinator will also contribute to strengthen the relationship between APC and its members in the region and be CIPP's main liaison for our policy work. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=3ac13fd9e7&e=558eede2b4)
News to Know from http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=e008a21827&e=558eede2b4 (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=4d2a6520e1&e=558eede2b4)
Roti, kapda, polio vaccine and mobile phone
India proudly declared in 2011 that polio was eradicated – but protecting these gains will require more advocacy, awareness and innovations in mobile communications.This was a key message delivered in an inspiring keynote address .Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=17bc61fa7a&e=558eede2b4)
Flappy Birds' popularity on iOS leaves 'experts' baffled
A new retro arcade-style side-scroller has become the rage on iOS. A bare-bones offering, Flappy Bird has got many wondering what all the hype is about, as it finished January the top free app. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=9b2ba611a6&e=558eede2b4)
Six free social media tools for brand managers in 2014
hough most brands prefer to leave the handling of their social media function to expert agencies, there are still quite a few tools available for managers. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=7aa131bd6c&e=558eede2b4)
Vodafone promotes mobile app for rural women
As per Vodafone, by end of 2014, 2500 RUDI women across 14 districts in more than 1000 villages of Gujarat will touch 2.5 million people through this mobile solution.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=15007aaf03&e=558eede2b4)
Social media transforms the textbook lesson
Forget the blackboard and the chalk. In fact, forget the whiteboard and the markers.The exercise books, the textbooks and the stationery can also be packed away. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=d3563c9ac2&e=558eede2b4)
फेसबुक ने लॉन्च किया न्यूज़पेपर ऐप 'पेपर'
फेसबुक ने एक नया ऐप 'पेपर' लॉन्च किया है। यह ऐप स्मार्टफोन पर आर्टिकल्स और दूसरे कॉन्टेंट देखने और शेयर करने के लिए ऑनलाइन न्यूज़पेपर की तरह काम करेगा। फेसबुक ने इस सर्विस के बारे में कहा, 'शानदार डिजाइन, फुलस्क्रीन और सरल लेआउट के साथ पेपर स्टोरीटेलिंगी Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=0bd3f26ca6&e=558eede2b4)
How any professional can leverage social media
This is basically using the conversations that are happening to get business insights that one can use in work. What do people feel about your companies' products, services, leadership? What are they saying about your competitors?Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=008f436996&e=558eede2b4)
स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया अब यू-ट्यूब पर भी
देश के सबसे बड़े बैंक स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया ने सोशल मीडिया में अपनी पैठ जमाने के लिए पॉपुलर वीडियो साइट यू-ट्यूब पर अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराई है. बैंक का मानना है कि यू-ट्यूब के जरिये युवाओं और टेक्नोलॉजी पसंद करने वाले ग्राहकों से जुड़ने में आसानी होगी.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=e184e26819&e=558eede2b4)
Five unusual ways in which Indians use mobile phones
The mobile phone in India has many uses other than making calls and sending messages. For hundreds of millions of people, a mobile phone is sometimes the only piece of technology in their homes. This has led to unique uses for the phone in the country - the world's fastest growing market for mobile phones.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=b0847edc65&e=558eede2b4)
चैट ऐप मिक्सिट भारत में लॉन्च, हर फोन पर कर सकते हैं इस्तेमाल
साउथ अफ्रीका की सबसे पॉप्युलर मेसेजिंग सर्विस मिक्सिट Mxit भारत में लॉन्च हो गई है। मेसेजिंग ऐप्स की भीड़ में इसकी कुछ खूबियां हैं, जो इसे औरों से अलग बनाती हैं। मसलन आप इसे किसी भी साधारण फीचर फोन पर भी डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं, बस इंटरनेट कनेक्शन होना चाहिए Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=dd76d95004&e=558eede2b4)
Air India plans to offer Wi-Fi services on-board its flights
मोबाइWith most of the aircrafts in the US and other leading countries having Wi-Fi connectivity on-board besides in-flight entertainment, Air India have plans to provide similar facilities. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=9fee41f77a&e=558eede2b4)
Lenovo Motorola Deal: Impressions and implications
The numbers: Lenovo reported an impressive 31% jump in third-quarter profits to $265.3 million from $205 million a year earlier—well above average analyst expectations of $247.2 million. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=6dc1e68312&e=558eede2b4)
Vodafone, R-Com results reinforce telecom transformation
Higher call tariffs and reduced competition helped two of India's biggest telcos boost quarterly earnings, underscoring the recovery in the world's second-biggest mobile phone market.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=97effbfce8&e=558eede2b4 )
मोबाइल से मिली नौकरी, एसएमएस से सीखा काम
रेशमा रावत उत्तर प्रदेश के बहराइच ज़िले के एक गांव रामपुर धोबिया में पली बढ़ी, नौवीं तक की पढ़ाई पूरी की। पिता बीमार रहते थे और मां अक्सर बेबस दिखाई देती थी। परिवार में तीन छोटे भाई और एक बहन भी थी।.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=e82de4d897&e=558eede2b4)
The age of the iPod is over
Over the holidays, Apple's iPad and iPhone sold better than they've ever sold before: 51 million iPhones and 26 million iPads in a single quarter. The lowly iPod, however, didn't do nearly as well. The company moved just 6 million of the trademark MP3 playersRead more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=d441209308&e=558eede2b4)
मोबाइल रिव्यु: नोकिया आशा 502 डुअल सिम
पिछले साल लुमिया सीरीज में एक के बाद एक नोकिया ने कई फोन लॉन्च किए। इसमें 50 हजार रुपए तक के फोन भी शामिल थे। ऐसे में यही लगा कि कंपनी कहीं अपनी बहुप्रचलित आशा सीरीज को ही न भुला दे। परंतु ऐसा हुआ नहीं। न पिछले साल कंपनी ने आशा सीरीज को भुलाया और न ही इस साल। Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=2f88bbf264&e=558eede2b4)
Nokia to unveil low-cost Android phone in late February
Nokia will unveil a low-cost smartphone running a version of Google Inc's Android operating system, despite the company's close partnership with Microsoft Corp and its competing Windows system, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=99c294b3d1&e=558eede2b4)
TOP FIVE APPS for Students
Smartphones and tablets can be best used in education if you can find right apps. Here are top 5 apps that help students from keeping up with their class schedules to do research and to do group projects. Go through the details below and find the links from where you can download these apps.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=abce33779d&e=558eede2b4)
News to Know from http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=b0e4a571a7&e=558eede2b4 (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=b3ddc79412&e=558eede2b4)
Videos to drive mobile data usage
The report says that growth of direct-to-home (DTH) and digital cable, emergence of sports other than cricket, social media and phablets will boost the country's media and entertainment and telecommunication segments. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=98163000c7&e=558eede2b4)
Innovations for Skills Marketplace
Innovations for Skills Marketplace (ISM) is an initiative of the National Skill Development Corporation. The Innovations for Skills Marketplace will host information on innovative solutions, practices, models and other relevant research in the skill development space. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=be876f2a70&e=558eede2b4)
New PAN card to cost Rs 105
Tw PAN cards issued by the Income Tax department will cost Rs 105, including taxes. The I-T department has recently notified new procedures for verifying personal. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=df122eae71&e=558eede2b4)
Google: Mission Total World Domination
Google's mission when it started can be put into four simple words – 'Organize the world's information'. The world has changed radically from the time it was founded till now, and the organization.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=7e78db4fb3&e=558eede2b4)
The biggest land rush in the history of the internet
The web is about to have its big bang. About 1,000 new generic top-level domain names, or gTLDs (the last bit of an internet address, such as the com in qz.com) will come into existence this year. On Feb. 4, anybody will be able to create and start running a website. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=d5d531d6e0&e=558eede2b4)
14 Incredible 3D Printing Creations
An object is printed in three dimensions from a digital file by layering solid materials in specific patterns. Companies like Shapeways are helping to make 3D printing consumer-friendly, putting not only the printers but the printed items themselves.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=4ad946ecda&e=558eede2b4)
Apple Macintosh computer turns 30
Thirty years ago, Steve Jobs released the Apple Macintosh to the world to great acclaim and excitement.The machine fundamentally changed the way people used home computers; instead of being simple text-input machines it used a graphical interface .Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=0d31555d6c&e=558eede2b4)
हाई-स्पीड इंटरनेट के 'भीष्म' को 'टेक्नोलॉजी नोबेल'
रेडियो की खोज करने वाले गुगलिएल्मो मारकोनी के नाम पर ये पुरस्कार हर साल दिया ऐसे लोगों को दिया जाता है जिन्होंने संचार और सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी के क्षेत्र में कोई बड़ा काम किया हो.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=908515d4d6&e=558eede2b4)
17-year-old Belgian is the talent behind Talenty
At 14, he launched his first mobile app. It reached the #1 spot on the charts in Belgium and France with 83,000 downloads in two days. At 16, he built a social network for people to showcase their talents. It was crowd funded and called Talenty.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=c34b0aae1b&e=558eede2b4)
Technology Is Not Driving Us Apart After All
n September 2008, two graduate students working for Keith Hampton, a professor at Rutgers, raised a camera atop a 16-foot tripod to film down into Bryant Park, the sprawling green space behind the main branch of the New York Public Library. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=f8bebc4b5f&e=558eede2b4)
India's Doordarshan Selects Harris Broadcast
The government of India is pushing ahead with plans to complete the move from analogue to digital television transmission by 2017, Technology maximizes spectrum capacity to provide multi-lingual HD content across India's diverse metropolises/regionsRead more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=26ba2f8081&e=558eede2b4)
TV ratings system set for a shake-up
On paper, the new ratings venture, which aims to have 25,000 TV meters in place across 20,000 households, promises to be far superior to the existing system that TAM has in place. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=66936c4d7d&e=558eede2b4)
India performs poorly on the E-Friction index
India performs poorly on the E-Friction index compiled by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to assess 55 factors that inhibit Internet use by small and medium enterprises. BCG has grouped the factors.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=12158a0b22&e=558eede2b4)
Facebook launches a 'Trending' box
Facebook said Thursday that it's launching a new feature, called "Trending," that will show popular topics of conversation on the world's largest social network.The product is "designed to surface interesting and relevant conversations in order. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=ebd4387d80&e=558eede2b4)
NDTV introduces dual-channel concept with Profit
Along with the announcement of Q3 FY14 results with NDTV Group's English and Hindi channels reporting growth, NDTV has announced that it will introduce the dual-channel concept, a first-in-India concept in Indian television.Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=a2b27c8f75&e=558eede2b4)
Some unique initiatives which cater to the needs of various communities across India
There was a time when a radio was a must-have in every Indian house. A messenger to the masses, it gave us memorable moments and was the primary source of scoop. ..Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=75283dd6ec&e=558eede2b4)
Trai disempowers content aggregators
In a move that could dent the future viability of content aggregators, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on Monday notified changes to the regulatory framework .Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=230ccb156c&e=558eede2b4)
Will 2014 be the year in which we let technology control us?
Everything's getting connected around us. Computers. Smart mobile computing devices. Embedded systems. Documents. People. Creatures. Pets. Even ideas. Everything now has the possibility of being a node on the network, able to publish. Read more (http://defindia.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c9fe6772e5891b3068ff7cad8&id=bda64d0258&e=558eede2b4)
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With the motto of 'Inform, Communicate and Empower,' Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) started its journey in the month of December, 2002. Based out of New Delhi and registered as not-for-profit under the "Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, the effort at DEF has been to find sustainable Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions including digital and new media to address digital divide in under-served and unreached regions and communities. With a non-political approach, it was founded to contribute to an enabling social and economic order in India as well as in developing societies with the need based support of ICT tools and means. With ground work since 2003, DEF has reached over 22 States and 8 countries.
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