[liberationtech] CfP: News, Intelligence Agencies & Agenda-Building

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Feb 15 10:00:04 PST 2014

From: Carpentier Nico <nico.carpentier at vub.ac.be>

Call for Papers:

News, Intelligence Agencies & Agenda
Building: Understanding Manipulation, Methodologies & Ethics

The International Journal of Press/Politics

Guest Editor: Vian Bakir (Bangor University, UK)

Submission deadline: 1 March 2014

For details, see:
If you have any questions about content or scope, please email 
me:v.bakir at bangor.ac.uk

with all best wishes,

Dr. Vian Bakir
Senior Lecturer in Journalism
School of Creative Studies&  Media
John Phillips Building
Bangor University
Wales, UK, LL57 2DG
v.bakir at bangor.ac.uk
University staff page
Social media
Network for study of Media
& Persuasive Communication

Call for papers - News, Intelligence Agencies
& Agenda-Building (Mar 2014)

Recent books:

- Torture, Intelligence and Sousveillance in the War on Terror: 
Agenda-Building Struggles (2013)

- Sousveillance, Media and Strategic Political Communication: Iraq, USA, 
UK.  (2010)
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