[liberationtech] In Venezuela, claims of censorship on Twitter

Rayzer Raygun Rayzer at riseup.net
Sat Feb 15 08:46:21 PST 2014

Just want to point out this little tidbit. The rebellion: _"...was
launched 10 days ago by students who have received backing from some of
the country's fractured opposition groups"_
AKA the oligarchy that was continually trying to assassinate or
otherwise depose Hugo Chavez, undo what social gains he managed to
accomplish. I don't consider the "Anons" whining about pastebin to be
anything more than Useful Idiot trolls for the oligarchy and US
government policy. I don't consider what's occuring in regard to
blocking Pastebin or Twitter censorship but an attempt to derail a
destabilization disinformation operation in the interest of a foreign
power. A power that IS NOT a liberating force in Venezuelan society now,
or at any point in modern  history.


On 2/14/2014 4:00 PM, Nathan of Guardian wrote:
> The following tweet talks about using Orbot and Orweb to access the
> site dolartoday.com <http://dolartoday.com> which appears to be blocked.
> "Que No te Bloqueen Tu Libertad de expresión Tor ANDROID (Orbot y Orweb)
> #13FVnzlaEnlaCalleNicolásPaElCoñoTeVas http://t.co/pdW48v3YR0 "
> And the image:
> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgcozJFCAAAQvJt.jpg:large
> On February 14, 2014 5:42:41 PM EST, Yosem Companys
> <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
>     Here's the latest from a Twitter follower:  "From Venezuela: our
>     government has now blocked Pastebin. Yesterday was all the pictures in
>     Twitter."
>     On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
>         Any of you following or researching this? Does anyone have any
>         additional technical information about what is going on there?
>         Thanks, Yosem Forwarded conversation Subject: [RedLatAm] Para
>         Usuario de Twitter en Venezuela ------------------------ From:
>         Jamila Brown <jamila at accessnow.org> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at
>         12:12 PM Alberto, Venezuelans have experienced partial
>         censorship/blockage from Twitter. Twitter issued this
>         statement for those experiencing issues. Jamila ----------
>         From: Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org> Date: Fri, Feb
>         14, 2014 at 2:16 PM The more data, first hard reports and
>         through testing that is possible - there more researchers can
>         determine and independently assess what is taking place. I'd
>         appreciate from those who might have additional details about
>         censorship, throttling and/or bandwidth shaping that might be
>         taking place in Venezuela. Robert ---------- From: Jamila
>         Brown <jamila at accessnow.org> Date: Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:34
>         PM To: redlatam at lists.accessnow.org Here's Twitter told
>         Bloomberg that the Venezuelan government is blocking protest
>         images on the site. See article here:
>         http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-14/twitter-says-venezuela-blocks-its-images-amid-protest-crackdown.html

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