[liberationtech] Capitol Code in Minnesota on Feb. 22

Jérôme Pinguet jerome at jerome.cc
Thu Feb 13 18:37:16 PST 2014


Somebody at @Liberationtech  is tweeting this flimsy article
again and again... It's becoming boring.

Here are my quick answers:

@*Liberationtech* <https://twitter.com/Liberationtech> "Productivity X6,
Patents, Rate, Economists" Specialization is not liberation. This guy
analyzes teaching thru capitalism.

@*Liberationtech* <https://twitter.com/Liberationtech> @*AdamMGrant*
<https://twitter.com/AdamMGrant> wants to apply Fordism & management to
science, knowledge & teaching. That's an old trick Mister Houdini! :-(

@*Liberationtech* <https://twitter.com/Liberationtech> I'm surprised
you're relaying this, we are confronted with enough backward ideas,
please tweet about liberating ones.

And here is the reply:

@*cryptomars* <https://twitter.com/cryptomars> Tweet ? endorsement.

So 1 Tweet is not endorsement, OK.

What about 2 tweets?

So boring.


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