[liberationtech] Techno-Activism 3rd Monday (TA3M)

Sandra ordonez sandratordonez at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 14:01:48 PST 2014

Techno-Activism 3rd Monday (TA3M) is a community run monthly meetup that
happens simultaneously in various cities throughout the world, and brings
together individuals interested in surveillance, censorship and open
technology. Each city has its unique flavor and a different speaker/topic
every month. You can see all cities w/ agendas for February here:

The reason I'm posting here is twofold:

a) Montevideo and Sao Pablo will be hosting their first this month. I'm
trying to help the group with outreach, since they just started. Any
suggestions on people/communities/orgs to reach out to in Brazil or

b) We are launching a website soon, and in the process of finding a few
designers that would want to volunteer some time. Payment is unicorn
whispers :) if you know any, please send my way!

A sampling of events for this month, which are free btw. (There are roughly
21 cities so far)

**Amsterdam**  Stephanie Milan of ICANN will talk about Internet
**Brighton (UK)** A talk on threats to medical confidentiality.
**New York** Cryptologist Claudia Diaz will talk about Privacy Technologies
and the future of Research
**Portland** Will be conducting an encryption workshop
**Seattle** Will be hosting MeshNet
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